Texas Right to Life calls for tax-payer relief from abortion funding
Despite public sentiment or existing laws, Planned Parenthood has crept around these laws and capitalized on lesser-regulated funding streams.
Despite public sentiment or existing laws, Planned Parenthood has crept around these laws and capitalized on lesser-regulated funding streams.
Texas Right to Life urges the Texas Medical Board to continue investigating Texas abortionists.
Wendy is famous because of abortion; Planned Parenthood profits from abortion. And yet, neither will use the "A"-word
We have toiled in the dark on a quest to build a culture where all innocent human life is welcomed, cherished, and legally protected from the moment of conception until natural death.
Planned Parenthood´s angle against HB2 from the beginning has been that the law places an "undue burden" on abortionists, abortion facilities, and women seeking abortion.
United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit hears arguments in Planned Parenthood v. Abbott, the case over the constitutionality of Texas´ most recent Pro-Life law, HB2.
Three-judge panel to determine constitutionality of HB 2 convenes Monday.
Propaganda campaign unfortunately has an impact on our youth because teens are inspired by their peers and the media.
Pro-Life Legislators take another Stand for Life; sign brief to Fifth Circuit Court …
Brief to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals establishes that abortion centers treat the women of Texas as future transactional customers, rather than patients afforded good medical care.