Yelp Targets Pregnancy Resource Centers in Effort to Promote Abortion

This week Yelp announced plans to flag all pregnancy resource centers (PRCs) with misleading “consumer notice” disclaimers. The notice claims that PRCs “typically provide limited medical services and may not have licensed medical professionals onsite.”

Rather than providing accurate and factual information specific to each individual center, Yelp is lumping all PRCs together as part of a growing effort on the left to disparage and discredit these life-saving centers.

Thousands of pregnancy resource centers, sometimes referred to as crisis pregnancy centers, offer free support, care, and services to women and families across the country. Despite purporting to stand for women, anti-Lifers and Democrats have long fought against PRCs because they often empower women to choose Life over abortion.

“It’s well-reported that crisis pregnancy centers do not offer abortion services, and it’s been shown that many provide misleading information in an attempt to steer people seeking abortion care to other options,” a Yelp representative claimed. “With this new consumer notice we’re aiming to further protect consumers from the potential of being misled or confused.”

Contrary to what they say, through actions such as these, anti-Life Democrats and businesses like Yelp are attempting to mislead women and deny them life-saving support and services in efforts to convince women that abortion is their only choice.

Since the reversal of Roe v. Wade, pro-abortion activists have grown increasingly fanatical in their hatred of PRCs. Democrat Elizabeth Warren went so far as to claim that pregnancy resource centers “torture a pregnant person” and stated “we need to shut them down all around the country.”

Some abortion activists, such as a group known as “Jane’s Revenge,” have vandalized, attacked, and fire-bombed PRCs across the nation.

Yelp is not the only company attempting to drown out Pro-Life voices and hide the truth about abortion. Google has also begun including an “abortion health information” disclaimer on all YouTube videos discussing abortion. The YouTube “context” block is placed directly beneath all videos mentioning abortion and states that “an abortion is a procedure to end a pregnancy. It uses medicine or surgery to remove the embryo or fetus and placenta from the uterus. The procedure is done by a licensed healthcare professional.” YouTube’s context block also directs viewers to a pro-abortion website.

Yelp’s strategy to steer women and families away from the support they can receive at PRCs only further entrenches the company among the most radically pro-abortion businesses in America. Yelp was also one of the first companies to announce they would fund the abortion industry by paying for employee abortion travel expenses.

When Yelp began their policy to fund the abortion industry, the company did not explain how encouraging employees to have their preborn children killed through abortion is in any way good for their workers. Similarly, now Yelp has again failed to explain how steering consumers away from free support and resources available at PRCs is helpful to consumers or good for communities.

Pro-Lifers may want to consider avoiding anti-Life companies such as Yelp that have declared war on preborn children by using their platforms and resources to promote abortion and attack life-saving pregnancy resource centers. 

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