Texas Legislative Session Begins; Pro-Life Advocates Set Sights on Priority Agenda

State lawmakers kicked off the Regular Session of the 87th Texas Legislature today in Austin. The state session ends in May, meaning elected officials only have 140 days to pass bills that stop abortion and euthanasia.

Your state lawmakers in Austin will discuss many important issues, and what could be more important than defending LIFE? 

Pro-Life advocates demand HUGE wins in Texas to protect preborn children and vulnerable patients. Thanks to your financial support, we’re sending five full-time lobbyists to the Capitol to advocate for your values.

The two most important Pro-Life bills this session will be: 

1. The Texas Abolition Strategy (TAS)

The Texas Abolition Strategy combines three major policies into one Pro-Life omnibus bill to end elective abortion in Texas:

  • Preborn NonDiscrimination Act (PreNDA): Abolish discriminatory abortions motivated by the sex, ethnicity, or disability of the child and the remaining late-term abortions.
  • Heartbeat: Abolish elective abortions after 12 weeks when the preborn child’s heartbeat is detectable by the most common methods.
  • Abolition: Abolish every remaining elective abortion in Texas.

Each of these policies is a key step in the overall strategy to ending abortion. Texas Right to Life fully supports each of these policies individually and believes packaging them within one bold bill with different effective dates is the best approach.

2. Repeal Anti-Life “10-Day Rule”

This bill repeals the anti-Life “10-Day Rule” in the Texas Advance Directives Act that allows physicians to deny patients basic life-sustaining treatment after a rubber stamp of approval from a hospital committee. After the 10-day countdown, the physician and hospital have complete criminal, civil, and administrative immunity to hasten the patient’s death. This bill balances the recommendation of the physician with the patient’s Right to Life by continuing life-sustaining treatment until the patient can be transferred to a more appropriate care setting or to another physician.

The full Pro-Life agenda may be found here.

Establishment politicians want to ignore Pro-Life issues. They’ve grown callous to the cries of preborn children and vulnerable patients and plummeted Texas to the 20th most Pro-Life state. 

Without your voice, Texas will have to wait until the next session in 2023 to pass life-saving laws.

To stay engaged this session:

  1. Text TXLEGE to 56525 for action alerts;
  2. Contact your state lawmakers to support the Pro-Life Priority Agenda; and
  3. Share this post with your Pro-Life friends and family.

When we stand together, Texas can lead the way in ending abortion and euthanasia!



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