The fact that the United States is one of only four nations worldwide to legally permit elective abortion through all nine months of pregnancy is shocking. The fact that TEXAS is NOT the most Pro-Life state and has now dropped to the 20th rank is equally enraging, abhorrent, and heartbreaking.
Only 12 years ago, Texas was ranked the fourth most Pro-Life state in the country on the Life List by Americans United for Life. Although Texans pride themselves on being the biggest and the best, clearly this is not the case regarding the protection of innocent human lives. Since 2009, Republicans-In-Name-Only (RINOs) who claim to be “Pro-Life” have teamed up with pro-abortion Democrats to thwart life-saving bills, settling instead for easy ceremonial victories, and plummeting us to #20 in the nation.
Texas conservatives must lead our state and nation by boldly passing legislation that will directly save lives from the evils of abortion and euthanasia.
RINOs make excuses and argue that Texas’s embarrassing fall is due to the fact that the higher-ranking states are simply more conservative. However, Arizona ranked seventh, Georgia ranked 14th, and Michigan ranked 16th; all three of these states did more to protect innocent human Life despite a more liberal makeup.
Liberal lawmakers also justify our 20th rank by arguing the Texas Legislature only meets biennially, and 2020 was a year without a legislative session. However, three other states that also meet biennially performed better in rankings than Texas: North Dakota only fell one spot this year, while Nevada and Montana both advanced one place on the Life List.
The evidence is clear: Legislators did not pass any bills to stop abortion during the last legislative session and thus, we plummeted to the 20th most Pro-Life state. Our state lawmakers have become far too passive in protecting innocent human Life.
How can we restore Texas to our rightful place in the top Pro-Life states in 2021?
Contact your state lawmakers now to support the Pro-Life Priority Bills. This bold agenda will immediately save lives from abortion and euthanasia, lead the charge to overturning Roe v. Wade, and bring Texas back to the top Pro-Life states.
This upcoming session, Texas elected officials must truly represent Texas values and defend the most fundamental right: the Right to Life. Texas cannot afford any more missed opportunities; the time is now for our elected officials to find their courage and lead the nation in ending the senseless killing of unborn children and vulnerable patients.