The Supreme Court of the United States overturned Roe v. Wade, restoring states’ right to protect preborn children in today’s Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization ruling. This is a landmark day for the Pro-Life movement and our entire nation. After staining the moral fabric of our country for nearly 50 years, Roe v. Wade is no more.

Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization concerned a Mississippi Pro-Life law that defends babies from abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy. Showing the humanity of the preborn child, our movement’s prudent strategy led the court to confront the moral and legal flaws of Roe.
After nearly 50 years, Roe has been responsible for the deaths of over 60 million preborn American children. Today, the Supreme Court has finally overturned the grievous error of Roe v. Wade that has cost so many precious lives.
Now, the abortion question will return to the states, authorizing state governments to set their own laws without being suffocated by federal courts.
In Texas, the killing of the preborn through elective abortion is prohibited throughout pregnancy immediately, building on the massive success of the Texas Heartbeat Act.
According to the most recent data before the Texas Heartbeat Act took effect, there were over 50,000 abortions committed in Texas each year. With the combination of our pre-Roe laws and a newly passed “trigger” ban, elective abortion is now outlawed and all preborn children are protected from the atrocity.
Our mission is not finished with today’s historic news. Pro-Life advocates must confront new threats to innocent human Life.
Even with Roe overturned, lawless district attorneys, including some in Texas, pledged they won’t prosecute abortionists who blatantly break the law. Texas Right to Life plans to ensure that Texas is truly abortion-free and our laws are being followed. Thankfully, we already have one proven solution in the Texas Heartbeat Act. By expanding the unique approach of the Texas Heartbeat Act, we can authorize private citizens to sue abortionists even if rogue politicians attempt to give them a free pass.
Furthermore, Texas must continue to invest in pregnant women. Our statewide Alternatives to Abortion program already serves thousands of families in difficult or unexpected pregnancies with free counseling, job training, education mentorship, material assistance, and more. Women can find help today at Texas Right to Life is working with elected officials to create the “Building a Pro-Life Texas Agenda” to endorse a package of policies that will help women overcome barriers she may face in a post-Roe world. For example, ensuring that our state universities do not create more hurdles for pregnant college students.
As always, we must also work to protect vulnerable hospital patients. In Texas, the anti-Life 10-Day Rule allows hospital ethics committees to make life-and-death decisions even if the patient disagrees. The Pro-Life movement must eliminate the countdown so that patients and hospitals can work together to find a new care setting.
This is a truly historic day for our country. We give thanks to God for this marvelous and historic victory for Life, but Texas Right to Life knows there is much work ahead of us. We are doubling our commitment in this new chapter of the Pro-Life fight.