Abortion May 1, 2007 0 Partial-Birth Abortion What is Partial-Birth Abortion (PBA)? [Caution: Graphic description in the following section] This gruesome procedure,…
Abortion March 1, 2007 0 Female Feticide in India Status of Girls in India Girls in India are often viewed as a burden. Although…
Bioethics February 1, 2007 0 Amniotic Fluid: A New Source of Stem Cells What are Stem Cells? Stem cells are the basic building blocks of physiological tissue: they…
Abortion January 1, 2007 0 34 Years of Legalized Abortion in America January 22nd, 2007 marks the 34th anniversary of legalized abortion on demand in the United…
Abortion December 1, 2006 0 Abortion and Social Security Today’s workers will not long be able to sustain the Social Security pay-outs for…
Abortion November 1, 2006 0 Effects of Birth and Abortion on Teens About 25% of the approximate 1.2 million abortions reported annually are committed on girls younger…
Abortion August 1, 2006 0 Child Custody Protection Act The Child Custody Protection Act is a federal bill that would prohibit anyone other than…
Bioethics April 1, 2006 0 Umbilical Cord Blood For what can umbilical cord blood be used? Umbilical cord blood is extremely valuable because…
Abortion March 1, 2006 0 Abortion & Suicide “Women seeking abortions should be informed that abortion is associated with significant physical and mental…
Abortion February 1, 2006 0 Abortion & Public Opinion Public Opinion over the Years Ten years ago, most Americans identified themselves as being pro-choice.…