Obsession: Former Planned Parenthood president reveals she was required to say “abortion” in every interview

Leana Wen, who briefly acted as president of Planned Parenthood, offered further bombshell revelations about how abortion-obsessed the business really is. Wen became president of America’s largest abortion business in 2018, months after abortion activist Cecile Richards stepped down.  

The pairing of Wen, a doctor and former health commissioner of Baltimore, with the abortion giant Planned Parenthood was a severe misalignment. While Wen tried to focus on legitimate health programs, downplaying the hundreds of thousands of abortions committed at Planned Parenthood each year, the executives at Planned Parenthood became increasingly frustrated with her unwillingness to push abortion before all else.

In her new book, “Lifelines: A Doctor’s Journey in the Fight for Public Health,” Wen reveals how the obsession with killing the preborn colored every aspect of her brief tenure at the head of Planned Parenthood. In the book, Wen states that she was effectively instructed to use the word “abortion” in every single public appearance.  

This mandate came about after Wen’s first televised interview as acting president. According to Wen’s account, she appeared on The View to discuss her priorities as the head of Planned Parenthood. Her discussion of health care and preventative services was met with enthusiastic cheers from the audience. After the interview, however, the reaction from her handlers at Planned Parenthood was very different.

In her book, Wen reveals that she was inundated with text messages and criticism from executives and board members of America’s Abortion Giant. One sent her a curt message stating, “Next time, make sure you talk about abortion.”

Another, according to Wen, told her, “You need to talk about abortion at every media interview.” The justification for this demand was: “You’re the president of Planned Parenthood. People expect that from you.”

Wen, who, even after writing movingly about the loss of her preborn child to miscarriage, identifies as pro-abortion, seemed to think that she could get away with avoiding the topic of abortion. Her position did not sit well with the abortion radicals running Planned Parenthood, however. One higherup at the abortion business told her, “Not saying ‘abortion’ sounds as if you’re ashamed of it.”

Another board member stated directly what many abortion activists imply. She said, “If we don’t talk about abortion openly, loudly, and proudly, as a positive moral good, then we are further stigmatizing it and the people who need it.” Putting a pretty pink façade on the grief and emotional turmoil experienced by millions of mothers who end their children’s lives in abortion, the abortion industry has been trying to “celebrate” abortion as a positive good.

Wen continued to try to appeal to average Americans who do not openly endorse killing preborn babies. As tension grew, Wen writes, “I was given a choice: change, or leave.” Before she even had time to leave, Wen learned through a news report that the board had booted her for her unwillingness to conform to a radical anti-Life platform.

Despite the terrible experience, Wen claims she still has “deep empathy” and “profound appreciation” for Planned Parenthood staffers. She claims, “That Planned Parenthood is still in existence, over one hundred years after its founding, is a testament to the courage, ingenuity, and resilience of those who put themselves on the line for its mission.”

Wen’s position reveals she remains as ignorant now as she was when she mistakenly took the reigns of America’s biggest abortion business. For years, legitimate health services at Planned Parenthood have been declining while abortions have remained increased. The one hundred years of Planned Parenthood’s existence are not a testament to progress but a stain on America.  

Planned Parenthood was founded with a eugenic mission and has carried out that anti-Life purpose for a century. Only recently Planned Parenthood executives have begun to acknowledge the legacy of racism and eugenics at the heart of the organization. As long as they continue to ignore, as Wen has, the ongoing killing of the preborn and the eugenic mission they continue to fulfill, that acknowledgment is empty. 




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