Alexis McGill-Johnson, the current president of America’s largest abortion business Planned Parenthood, wrote a bizarre op-ed in the New York Times recently. In the piece, entitled “I’m the Head of Planned Parenthood. We’re Done Making Excuses for our Founder,” McGill-Johnson tries both to acknowledge the racist history of Planned Parenthood and to downplay the obvious ways the current abortion business continues to live up to the eugenic mission of the organization’s founder.
For years, Pro-Lifers have called attention to the racist and eugenic history of Margaret Sanger and the organizations she founded, including Planned Parenthood. McGill-Johnson acknowledged some of these accusations, for which there is abundant evidence, writing, “By privileging whiteness, we’ve contributed to America harming Black women and other women of color.”
Claiming America’s largest abortion business “must reckon with Margaret Sanger’s association with white supremacist groups and eugenics,” McGill-Johnson admitted that Sanger appeared at a Ku Klux Klan rally, an allegation about which Pro-Lifers have known and raised awareness for years. While acknowledging this disturbing fact, McGill-Johnson is still quick to excuse Sanger claiming that Sanger “eventually distanced herself from the eugenics movement because of its hard turn to explicit racism.” Yet, immediately after excusing Sanger, McGill-Johnson acknowledges that Sanger “endorsed the Supreme Court’s 1927 decision in Buck v. Bell, which allowed states to sterilize people deemed “unfit” without their consent and sometimes without their knowledge — a ruling that led to the sterilization of tens of thousands of people in the 20th century.”
One of the other examples McGill-Johnson noted was the notorious, unethical testing used to produce modern birth control. She wrote, “The first human trials of the birth control pill — a project that was Sanger’s passion later in her life — were conducted with her backing in Puerto Rico, where as many as 1,500 women were not told that the drug was experimental or that they might experience dangerous side effects.”
McGill Johnson wrote that “up until now, Planned Parenthood has failed to own the impact of our founder’s actions,” but tried to suggest that whether Sanger was a racist is “not a simple yes or no question.” According to McGill-Johnson, Planned Parenthood’s problem is not racism but “a history of focusing on white womanhood relentlessly.”
A survey of the abortion industry, in which Planned Parenthood is the biggest business, shows that the issue is not focusing on women of any race but targeting preborn babies for death. That is where the racist philosophy of Sanger and her ilk continues today. Pro-Life advocate and former NFL-star Benjamin Watson condemned the “hollow” denunciation of Sanger. He stated, “Whether they [leaders of Planned Parenthood]personally identify with Sanger’s ideology or not, they continue to carry out her mission, by serving as the leading executioner of our children.” He continued, “The same Sanger they claim to disavow would applaud their efforts and results, as a disproportionate percentage of Black children have been killed in Planned Parenthood’s abortion clinics. Acknowledging a racist history does not absolve them of the blood on their hands, as they continue to take full advantage of victims of the racism they decry.”
Today, the majority of Planned Parenthood abortion businesses are located in predominantly minority neighborhoods, and abortion continues to disproportionately affect Black families. Until, as Watson rightly stated, the biggest abortion business in America takes meaningful steps to save babies in the womb, their denunciation of racism is empty.
The anti-Life mainstream media, which has continually excused, minimized or outright ignored Sanger’s racism, has yet to make amends for decades of lies. As Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon wrote on Twitter, an explanation from the supposedly unbiased “fact-checkers” is in order. Dillon tweeted the New York Times op-ed, writing, “Planned Parenthood has finally acknowledged their racist roots, so what do the fact checkers who ran defense for them (and their founder Margaret Sanger) have to say for themselves?”
Dillon included a thread of examples of the supposed “fact-checking” conducted by media outlets carrying water for Big Abortion. Now that the head of Planned Parenthood has finally admitted Sanger spoke at a KKK rally, targeted women of color, and supported eugenics, the fact-checkers are suddenly silent.