Latest annual report from Planned Parenthood reveals more abortion, more government money, fewer health services

Planned Parenthood finally released their annual report for 2015-2016 over the Memorial Day weekend.  The 35-page report on the fiscal year ending June 30, 2016, has been almost an entire year in the making.  The result is a glossy, pink propaganda piece describing Planned Parenthood as “stronger, smarter, and fiercer than ever before.”  The hard numbers hidden among the carefully crafted marketing language reveal something else.  In fact, Planned Parenthood received more government funding, committed more abortions, and raked in more profits than ever before.  Meanwhile cancer screenings, prenatal care, and other health service continued to decline.

Most notably, Planned Parenthood’s report reveals they saw 100,000 fewer patients compared to last year.  With a Pro-Life president and Congress, Americans are calling for the defunding of the abortion giant.  In response, Planned Parenthood fundraisers fearmonger about the patients supposedly dependent on America’s biggest abortion business for “lifesaving” health services; yet they are actually seeing fewer patients.  Live Action also notes the surprising admission in the report that 11% of Planned Parenthood clients are men.  While activists monopolize pink and insist that they are the only source of services for women, fewer and fewer women are going to Planned Parenthood.

The services that Planned Parenthood actually provided are also in decline.  Pro-Lifers have noted the steady year-to-year decline of prenatal services and cancer screenings.  Those numbers continued to decline, prenatal care by a whopping 46% compared to 2014.  While STI testing and Pap tests increased slightly from the previous annual report, Live Action notes that there is still up to a 75% decline in those services compared with numbers from 2004.

One service that remained steady was mammograms, which are still exactly zero.  Planned Parenthood does not provide mammograms and never did, despite the constant press to the contrary.  Mammograms are a lifesaving service that women cannot find at Planned Parenthood.  Fortunately, federally qualified health centers outnumber Planned Parenthood affiliates in every state.

While there were fewer patients and fewer health services, what did increase at Planned Parenthood?  The numbers of abortions rose from 323,999 in 2014 to 328,348 in 2015.  Planned Parenthood tried to maintain the laughable 3% myth, claiming that abortion is only 3% of the “services” they provide.  The only people fooled with this creative math are the same activists who still think Planned Parenthood provides mammograms (remember, they never did!).  Any way they fudge the numbers, the fact remains that Planned Parenthood ended the lives of more preborn children than any other abortion business in the United States, and the number is rising.

Mysteriously, in the same period that the number of clients declined and the health services precipitously declined, the government funding increased.  The taxpayer dollars given to Planned Parenthood increased by almost one million dollars from 2014 to 2015.  The abortion corporation raked in $554.6 million of our tax dollars, despite demonstrating in their own report that the only legitimate health services they provide are in decline.

The report attempted to discredit the ongoing criminal investigations of Planned Parenthood affiliates by claiming once again that the undercover footage from the Center for Medical Progress was “heavily edited.”  Forensic evidence has proven otherwise, along with the full release of the entire unedited videos with complete transcripts.  Now that Planned Parenthood has finally released their “heavily edited” annual report, there is no better time to defund America’s abortion corporation.  The report confirms that Planned Parenthood is not a women’s health organization but an abortion business.