Pro-Life Texans look with optimism at the upcoming 2023 legislative session, in which Republicans have a historic opportunity and responsibility to pass the boldest Pro-Life bills yet seen. Most notably, five new, unwavering conservatives in the Texas Senate will prioritize the protection of vulnerable patients and preborn children.

During his two sessions in the Texas House, Mayes Middleton (Galveston) became Chair of the Texas House Freedom Caucus. Through this role, Middleton promoted one of the most conservative sessions ever, which included the successful passage of the Texas Heartbeat Act. Middleton is fully prepared to stand his ground as a new member of the Texas Senate, refusing to cave to the abortion industry or to RINO-led efforts to weaken our life-saving laws.

Senator-elect Tan Parker (Flower Mound) was one of Texas Right to Life’s Pro-Life Heroes last year. In 2021, Parker authored the Respecting Texas Patients’ Right to Life Act (HB 2609), a Pro-Life Priority bill to end the horrific, anti-Life 10-Day Rule of the Texas Advance Directives Act. Parker also carried similar legislation in 2019, and from his new position as senator he will continue to advance the conversation surrounding protecting patients’ rights.

Phil King (Fort Worth area) flipped Senate District 10 red after the sitting pro-abortion Democrat dropped out this summer to avoid a crushing defeat in yesterday’s election. King earned a perfect record on the Pro-Life Scorecard in his 11 sessions serving in the Texas House. He will continue to be a strong advocate for Life as he now serves the constituents of SD 10.
All of these representatives-turned-senators are passionate about the Pro-Life cause, with the track records to prove it. Additionally, there will be some other new members of the Texas Senate who will strengthen even further the chamber’s Pro-Life stance.

Pete Flores (Central and South Texas) previously served as state senator for another district after winning a special election in early 2018, flipping the district from blue to red for the first time in over 100 years. Now he will return to the Texas Senate as a strong vote for innocent human Life.

Kevin Sparks (Panhandle area) is a welcome newcomer to the Legislature as the senator for Senate District 31. He is replacing a long-serving Republican who frequently sided with Democrats, including on many Pro-Life amendments and bills. Unlike his predecessor, protecting Life is one of Kevin Sparks’ top priorities, and the Texas Senate and Legislature as a whole will prosper from the addition of an energetic, grassroots conservative.
This new Texas Senate, led by re-elected Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, will be more effective than ever at protecting the lives of the vulnerable!
Stay tuned for updates on the Texas Legislature and Pro-Life Priority Bills as the 88th Legislature begins in January 2023! Text TXLEGE to 40237.