AOC Admits Men Have Important Role in Abortion Debate

Democrat Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (AOC), a radical activist for abortion without restriction, voiced her belief that men have an important role in the abortion debate.

In an interview with GQ magazine, AOC stated, “in this moment it’s really only going to be the vulnerability of men, and men talking to other men, that gives us the greatest hope of shifting things the fastest, soonest.”

Cortez also claimed that “for almost every woman that has gotten an abortion, there’s a man who has either been affected or liberated by that abortion too.”

For decades anti-Life activists have claimed that men have no place in the abortion debate and should keep silent when the topic comes up. The slogan “no uterus, no opinion” continues to be commonly used.

Related article: Men Make a Difference When They Stand Up for Life

Yet more abortion activists are now realizing that men have an important role in the debate. In some ways, AOC is right. Men have a duty to support and speak up for their partners and family.

Yet, Cortez’s belief that men should stand FOR abortion is gravely wrong. A man also has the job to protect and defend his partner and any children, born and preborn, in his family.

Abortion does indeed affect men. But the only thing men are “liberated” from by abortion is the responsibility they have to support and defend their partners and children. For a father to pressure his partner into abortion is for him to shirk all his responsibilities to support his family and become complicit in the murder of his own child.

In a recent episode of the Pro-Life Podcast, guest Dr. Steven Jones, stated a profound truth that “women feel the pressure to abort their babies, because the men who are the fathers of these children have already aborted their families.”

AOC says that “we need men to be speaking up.” She is right. But we need men to be speaking up for Life and standing up for their partners and children.

In addition to destroying an innocent human Life, abortion grievously hurts a mother, and strips a father of the duty and honor of protecting his family.

Men do have a place in the abortion debate. And that is to stand for the lives of the innocent and vulnerable. 

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