Hillary Clinton calls abortion ´most basic of human rights´
Abortion is tyranny, not a right.
Abortion is tyranny, not a right.
Two figures from the mainstream media came very close to accepting the truth about Life.
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Today´s march in Austin defied recent claims by the abortion lobby that most Americans are pro-choice.
The abortion lobby says that we are a better and freer nation because abortion allows us equality. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Keep us in the trenches in Austin by following this link to make an immediate contribution of $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,500 or even $3,000 right now.
Abortion CEO says that her law-breaking abortion business provides women with "really good care."
With a large class of freshman legislators, the Texas House of Representatives now includes dozens of fresh faces who are motivated to protect Life.
President Obama should recognize the value of all young children, both born and unborn.
Congress is looking to follow Texas´ example.