Texas Right to Life Subpoenas Pro-Abortion Funds

Texas Right to Life served subpoenas on Tuesday to three organizations that fund abortions against state law. Jane’s Due Process, the Buckle Bunnies Fund, and the Lilith Fund for Reproductive Equity direct pregnant women to obtain illegal abortion pills in Texas and pay for out-of-state abortions. The groups are seeking taxpayer money from the City of San Antonio. Texas Right to Life sued to block the local government from giving $500,000 to organizations that openly break state law.

Texas Right to Life demanded that these pro-abortion organizations turn over all documents and evidence related to their abortion-trafficking and abortion-procurement activities. The subpoenas will also force the leaders of these Texas abortion funds to sit for depositions where they will be questioned under oath about the criminal activities of their organizations.

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The subpoenas represent the latest escalation in Texas Right to Life’s legal battle against the City of San Antonio’s “Reproductive Justice Fund.” City council members dedicated $500,000 in the 2024 budget to fund organizations that send pregnant women out of state to kill their preborn children and assist with illegal chemical abortions in Texas. Jane’s Due Process, the Buckle Bunnies Fund, and the Lilith Fund for Reproductive Equity each lobbied for the creation of the “Reproductive Justice Fund” and hope to obtain taxpayer money.

Texas Right to Life President Dr. John Seago added:

“Texas abortion funds are criminal organizations that prey on the most vulnerable and defenseless members of the human family. Our lawsuit will ensure that they never receive taxpayer money to carry out their violent and sadistic acts. The subpoenas that we issued will expose their activities as well as the identities of those pushing illegal and out-of-state abortions on Texas women.”

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