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Texas NBA Team Donates $25k to Abortion Business

Woke celebrities, businesses, and now professional sports teams are lining up to support the largest abortion business in the United States, Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas posted on Twitter Tuesday photos of the Dallas Mavericks honoring the abortion giant with a $25,000 check.

Since the reversal of Roe v. Wade, Planned Parenthood cannot commit elective abortions in Texas but has kept its Texas clinics open, functioning as abortion “travel agencies” to send pregnant women out of state so abortionists can kill their preborn children.

President of the Mavs Foundation Katie Edwards touted the foundation’s aim to help women and children, yet Planned Parenthood destroys the lives of thousands of children each year and wounds countless mothers.

While the Mavs Foundation says on its website that “Funding will be used to subsidize the cost of healthcare services” at Planned Parenthood, any money given to Planned Parenthood ultimately helps it commit more abortions.

Money is fungible, meaning that funds designated for one purpose can free up other money for another purpose.

By donating to Planned Parenthood, the Mavericks are indirectly supporting abortion and contributing to the destruction of human life.

Furthermore, if the Mavericks desired to fund medical care for low-income Texans, Planned Parenthood is among the worst possible recipients. Legitimate health care services at Planned Parenthood have actually decreased in recent years while its market share of abortions increased. Its 2020-2021 annual report shows:

  • 1.4 million fewer legitimate health services performed nationwide
  • 17% fewer STI tests, 36% fewer breast exams, and 27% fewer pap tests
  • 1 in 6 clients got an abortion
  • Only one adoption referral per 200 abortions

If the Dallas Mavericks wanted to help women and children, they should have donated to the life-saving adoption agencies, pregnancy centers, or legitimate nonprofit health clinics in the Dallas-Fort Worth area rather than funding abortion giant Planned Parenthood.

Pro-Life advocates can voice their concerns to the Mavs Foundation at or (214) 747-6287.

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