Texas Cities Voting to Defend Life This November

Instead of waiting for corrupt politicians to enforce the law, four Texas cities are voting to make their towns safe havens for the unborn

This November, San Angelo, Athens, Abilene, and Plainview, will be voting on whether to become “Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn.”   

All too often we rely on our state and federal governments to enforce Pro-Life laws, but local governments can do much more to protect preborn babies. 

Since 2019, over forty Texas cities have passed enforceable local ordinances outlawing abortion and preventing the abortion industry from moving into their city limits. These prudent measures have made these cities safe havens for mothers and their preborn children. 

Now, four more Texas cities have the opportunity to take this step to defend the most innocent.

The ordinances in question place additional protections and safeguards for unborn babies and their mothers. Since the Supreme Court’s recent reversal of Roe v. Wade, Texas’ pre-Roe statutes and Trigger Law have been in effect, protecting all preborn babies from the moment of fertilization. Yet these measures go beyond this, using the authority of individual cities to further defend born and unborn residents. 

Similar to the Texas Heartbeat Act, the Sanctuary City for the Unborn ordinances use civil enforcement to allow any private citizen to bring a lawsuit against someone who commits, aids, or abets an abortion within the city’s limits. 

As with all Texas Pro-Life laws, the Sanctuary City for the Unborn ordinances do not allow for the pregnant mother who seeks or obtains an abortion to be sued. Instead, it directly penalizes the abortion industry those who commit and profit off the intentional killing of preborn children. Like all other Texas Pro-Life laws, the only exception allowed is for the life of the mother. 

Even though elective abortion is currently prohibited in Texas, this measure is just as important as ever and is effective at saving even more lives! On two separate occasions, the abortion industry has tried but failed to sue Texas cities that passed Sanctuary City for the Unborn ordinances. 

The first lawsuit was a frivolous claim brought against seven Texas towns, and it was dropped without consequence to any of the cities. 

In 2021, Lubbock made history when a citizen vote made the city the largest to have ever passed a Sanctuary City for the Unborn measure. Upset that their newly opened location would be losing out on profits, Planned Parenthood attacked the city of Lubbock with a lawsuit. The Texas Attorney General’s Office filed a memo arguing in favor of Lubbock’s authority to pass the ordinance and refuting many of the legal attacks against these efforts. 

In the end, Planned Parenthood’s case was dismissed after a federal judge ruled that the abortion business did not have standing to sue the city of Lubbock for passing the ordinance. Planned Parenthood was forced to give up and stopped committing abortions in Lubbock. 

The Sanctuary City for the Unborn ordinances have demonstrated themselves effective at saving lives and strong enough to withstand legal scrutiny! 

Some weak Republicans have suggested that Texas has done too much to protect the unborn. Yet, Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry are fighting harder than ever to resume the killing of babies in Texas. 

Real Pro-Life Texans know the fight to protect the unborn is only just beginning. We must fight harder than ever before to stop the abortion industry in its tracks. 

If you live in San Angelo, Athens, Abilene, or Plainview, your vote is crucial to protect preborn babies in your cities! 

Vote YES on the Sanctuary City for the Unborn proposition on your ballot, and make sure to tell your friends and neighbors to vote YES too! 

All Texas Pro-Lifers, you can also be a voice for the voiceless by voting for Pro-Life candidates this fall. 

Early voting is October 24 – November 4, and Election Day is November 8.

Pol. ad paid for by Texas Right to Life PAC.

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