Weak Texas Republicans Signal Support for Killing Babies Conceived in Rape

Since the end of Roe v. Wade 150 babies have been saved by Texas Pro-Life laws every single day.

Yet, over the weekend some weak Texas Republicans admitted they would like to save less lives by allowing babies conceived in rape or incest to be killed through abortion.

Current Texas law has the strongest protections of preborn babies in the nation, defending ALL Life beginning at fertilization. Over 14,000 lives have been saved from abortion since June when the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision overturned Roe v. Wade, allowing life-saving Texas laws to take effect.

All the while, anti-Life politicians and the media have lambasted Texas and other Pro-Life states for defending Life. Many media outlets have callously spread misinformation and flat out lies to confuse the public and discredit Texas’ Pro-Life laws.

It seems that some Texas Republicans, including State Senator Robert Nichols (R-Jacksonville), are starting to cave to the pressure in attempts to appease the radical abortion Left.

Speaking on a panel at the Texas Tribune Festival last Friday, Nichols stated, “if I get a chance to vote for an exception to rape, I will vote yes.”

Apparently accepting the Democratic and media talking points that “abortion is healthcare,” Nichols also stated, “I think instead of us telling women what to do, we should show our support for women of this state.”

Nichols’ statement demonstrates a disturbing eagerness to punish preborn children for crimes which they did not commit. His comments further show his willingness to side with Democrats to increase abortions in Texas rather than working on giving women and families real aid and solutions other than killing their babies.

Over the weekend Speaker of the Texas House Dade Phelan (R-Beaumont) also stated that he has heard certain House members express interest in adding exceptions to allow for the killing of babies conceived through rape and incest. It is unclear how many Texas Republicans would like to weaken the state’s Pro-Life laws. Speaker Phelan did, however, confirm that he supports Texas’ Pro-Life laws as is, without rape and incest exceptions.

Democrats regularly attack Pro-Life laws for defending the preborn and instead promote abortion to the point of birth. Nichols’ eagerness to subject preborn babies and their already victimized mothers to the cruelty of abortion reveals a concerning weakness on the part of supposedly Pro-Life Texas Republicans.

Neither Nichols nor anyone else pushing for rape and incest exceptions has explained how babies conceived through these crimes are any less valuable or deserving of protection in the womb.

Nevertheless, Texas politicians are signaling that adding rape and incest exceptions to weaken Pro-Life laws will be a major fight in the upcoming 2023 Texas Legislature. Pro-Life Texans must hold their elected officials accountable and stand squarely AGAINST the killing of innocent preborn babies conceived through rape and incest. Abortion is not healthcare and does nothing but destroy an innocent Life and double a woman’s trauma.

Every baby is precious and worthy of love and protection, there are NO EXCEPTIONS. Texans must remind their elected officials that they expect them to stand for all the unborn, especially those most vulnerable to the predations of the profit-driven abortion industry. 

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