Senate confirms Pro-Life Governor Rick Perry as Secretary of Energy
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Senate confirms Pro-Life Governor Rick Perry as Secretary of Energy Washington, D.C.,…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Senate confirms Pro-Life Governor Rick Perry as Secretary of Energy Washington, D.C.,…
In light of Houston abortionist, Douglas Karpen, who has been accused of committing infanticide on fully-birthed newborns, Gov. Perry and Lt. Gov. Dewhurst want to prevent Gosnell-like abortion centers in Texas.
Governor Rick Perry was in Houston Tuesday to announce his support for Texas Right to Life´s priority legislation for 2013, the Preborn Pain Bill.
Elizabeth Graham, director of Texas Right to Life gives details about Rick Perry´s Life record while serving as governor of Texas.
Rick Perry is Pro-Life
No state in recent years has passed more Pro-Life legislation or removed more tax dollars from Planned Parenthood, the nation´s leading abortion committer, than Texas.
Gov. Perry on Palin: At the very mention of her name, the liberals, the progressives, the media elites all literally foam at the mouth.
Encourages Conservative to not be afraid to use the power of the internet and social media.
Texans should be wondering to what other key issues Senator Hutchison is personally opposed but unwilling to take a stand.
Her words speak for themselves. Don’t be fooled!