Shock testimony unsealed: Planned Parenthood executives admit to selling baby body parts under oath

The Center for Medical Progress (CMP) released recently unsealed testimony of Planned Parenthood executives admitting under oath that they sold baby body parts for profit.  In 2015, CMP began releasing undercover videos captured over years of work to expose the sale of body parts from babies killed in abortion.  Posing as a tissue procurement agency, which purchases baby body parts and sells them to researchers, CMP successfully infiltrated the inner circles of the abortion industry and showed the world the truth.

CMP released a new video showing further evidence of Planned Parenthood’s guilt and the miscarriage of justice that has followed.

In response to the original videos, America’s largest abortion business, Planned Parenthood, consistently denied any wrongdoing, despite the word of countless staff and a courageous whistleblower to the contrary.  Showing how far the influence of the abortion industry reaches, the mainstream media failed to cover the shocking evidence of egregious wrong-doing at Planned Parenthood while the abortion chain continues to rake in more than half a billion dollars in taxpayer funding.

Equally astonishing, instead of being brought to justice for the callous disregard for human Life and profiting from the bodies of babies killed in abortion, Planned Parenthood sued CMP for exposing the truth.  In May, CMP released new video footage from the trial which was unsealed this spring.  Ironically, testifying for their own lawsuit against CMP, Planned Parenthood staff admitted under oath to facts that substantiate what CMP had already shown in countless videos: Planned Parenthood illegally profited from the sale of human body parts obtained in abortions.

The undercover videos already showed Planned Parenthood staff haggling over prices for baby body parts and bragging about harvesting “intact specimens,” that is bodies of whole, living children procured in an abortion.  These shocking facts have been corroborated by previously unsealed testimony and court documents showing that Planned Parenthood affiliates profited from selling baby body parts without incurring any costs for the procurement.

Now, the new video, compiling sworn testimony from some of the same abortionists and Planned Parenthood staffers who appeared in the undercover videos, shows that what Planned Parenthood personnel say under oath is very different from what the abortion business tells the public.  In the new video, a Texas Planned Parenthood staffer addresses a previously contested email in which the abortion business appears to consider selling fetal liver and thymus for exorbitant prices.  Planned Parenthood told Congress that the offer was dismissed.  However, in sworn testimony, Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast‘s Senior Director of Abortion Access, Tram Nguyen, said she “wanted to move forward with it,” a fact confirmed by emails between her and PPGC’s Regional Director Dyann Santos.

Another Planned Parenthood abortionist whose testimony was featured is Dr. Dorothy Furgerson.  Furgerson’s approval for trafficking fetal organs appears in promotional material for one of the leading tissue procurement agencies, StemExpress.  In a brochure, Furgerson is quoted as saying there are “fiscal[] rewards” and “financial profits” for abortion businesses that partner with the agency.  When Furgerson was asked if she thought the purpose of the advertising was “to obtain more potential sources of fetal tissue,” Dr. Furgerson testified, “Yes, I understood that that’s what they were trying to do.”

Dr. Deborah Nucatola, the notorious abortionist from the first undercover video released who swilled wine and ate salad while graphically discussing the dismemberment of preborn children, admitted under oath that she was aware of the lucrative arrangement Planned Parenthood affiliates had with tissue procurement agencies.  Nucatola testified, “I knew [Planned Parenthood Los Angeles] was getting payments because I was a provider there.”  When asked why she did not look into the matter given that profiting from the sale of fetal tissue is a federal crime, Nucatola said she assumed other executives at Planned Parenthood had the matter handled. In a press release about the new video, David Daleiden of CMP said, “The time has come for federal consequences for Planned Parenthood.  Planned Parenthood lied to the public and to Congress, but now there is no longer any reasonable doubt that Planned Parenthood sold fetal body parts, commodifying living children in the womb and treating pregnant women like a cash crop.  The U.S. Department of Justice must escalate the enforcement of laws against fetal trafficking to the highest level of priority.”



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