The Satanic Temple is opening an abortion facility in New Mexico to provide free abortion pills to pregnant women in New Mexico and surrounding states like Texas when possible. Satanists named the project “The Samuel Alito’s Mom’s Satanic Abortion Clinic” in ridicule of Justice Samuel Alito, who wrote the Supreme Court opinion overturning Roe v. Wade.
According to its website, the Satanic Temple abortion clinic will:
- Mail abortion-inducing drugs in New Mexico;
- “Provid[e]information and resources, when available, to those outside of New Mexico;” and
- “[Help] those who need assistance to travel to New Mexico when possible.”
Since the reversal of Roe last June, anti-Life groups began new, creative, and evil efforts to promote abortions and avoid state laws protecting preborn babies. Many abortion mills moved their operations to New Mexico, just outside the Texas border, and other groups sell abortion-inducing drugs online and mail them directly to pregnant women’s homes and dorm rooms.

Satanists’ new facility to provide “religious medication abortion care” exemplifies how dedicated the pro-death forces are.
The Satanic Temple invented an “abortion ritual” in 2020, which the group claims is a religious rite for Satanists and demanded its recognition as a protected religious practice.
The “abortion ritual” consists of speaking Satanic tenets while looking into a mirror before and after undergoing an abortion. The Satanic Temple website states that the abortion ritual “sanctifies the abortion process by instilling confidence and protecting bodily rights.” Obviously, the abortion is a direct violation of the “bodily rights” of the preborn baby whose life is ended, but the Satanists ignore this. The tenets include egocentric affirmations such as, “One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone,” and “By my body, my blood. By my will it is done.”
Within the past decade, Satanic groups filed numerous lawsuits to block Pro-Life laws, including the historic Texas Heartbeat Act. Its attempts thus far have failed.
The group named the facility after Justice Alito’s mother because Alito authored the majority opinion declaring that the Constitution of the United States does not include a right to abortion and restoring states’ ability to protect all preborn children from elective abortion.
Malcolm Jarry, a co-founder of The Satanic Temple, lamented that Alito was not aborted:
“In 1950, Samuel Alito’s mother did not have options, and look what happened… Prior to 1973, doctors who performed abortions could lose their licenses and go to jail. The clinic’s name serves to remind people just how important it is to have the right to control one’s body and the potential ramifications of losing that right.”
The Satanic Temple hopes to expand its abortion operations into other states as part of its campaign to claim abortion as a religious sacrament protected under the First Amendment and federal law, according to Fox News.
Satanists’ disgusting efforts should remind Christians that the Pro-Life war is not finished. We should recall the familiar story of David and Goliath.
The Israelite army was stunned when the boy David launched a stone at the legendary war hero’s head and knocked him down. However, the fight was not over. David did not celebrate or go back to brag to the king or his brothers. Instead, David unsheathed a sword, approached the giant, and killed him. Even then it was not time to head home or celebrate. The Philistines fled from the battlefront and the Israelites pursued them to secure their victory.
For the Pro-Life movement, Goliath just hit the ground. The deadliest Supreme Court ruling in our nation’s history was just overturned. The enemy is trying to regroup to fight another day. We must outmatch their level of ingenuity and commitment to keep fighting to make Texas and America fully abortion-free and truly Pro-Life.