UPDATE: Planned Parenthood to pay hefty price for scamming Texas
The threat of losing the only Texas funding stream left for Planned Parenthood motivated them to settle their fraud lawsuit at a high cost.
The threat of losing the only Texas funding stream left for Planned Parenthood motivated them to settle their fraud lawsuit at a high cost.
Houston Rep. Sarah Davis claims she is pro-life, yet she was the only Republican to vote against the historic legislation that protects both women and preborn children who feel pain.
The culture of death extends beyond the children in the womb and the elderly to that of our entire society.
Pro-Life champion, Governor Rick Perry signs historic, life-saving legislation into law.
HB2 passes both chambers, heads to Governor´s desk.
Dr. Paul Lui testified Before Committee on State Affairs of Texas House of Representatives in public hearing on PreBorn Pain Bill: HB 2364 in 83rd Legislative Session, April 10th, 2013.
Texas Right to Life staff, interns, and prolife advcates are inside the Captiol to take a #Stand4Life.
The volatility of the abortion lobby has only escalated since filibuster Tuesday, June 25; 3,621 babies have been lost in the days since.
TRUE-“BLUE” TEXANS #STAND4LIFE!! Join us in standing to protect women, the preborn, and LIFE! What: Senate…
The Texas House of Represenatives passes HB 2 on the third and final reading, but not without a little unruly mob action.