World’s Most Premature Twins Ever Celebrate First Birthday

Guinness World Records has officially recognized Adiah and Adrial as the world’s most premature twins, born at just 22 weeks gestation (126 days early), who are now celebrating their first birthday and getting stronger every day.

Born in Toronto in March of last year, Adiah weighed only 11.6 ounces, while her brother Adrial weighed a mere 14.8 ounces. Their parents, Kevin Nadarajah and Shakina Rajendram, had struggled with infertility for nine years and had experienced a miscarriage in 2021 before discovering they were expecting twins.

Shakina experienced pain in her fifth month of pregnancy, and Kevin rushed her to the local hospital where they were informed that she was in labor and the twins were coming early. Doctors predicted that there was almost no chance that the twins would survive birth, and if they did, they wouldn’t live long after, but the couple remained determined.

“I felt in my heart that they would overcome their challenges,” Shakina said.

Shakina was transferred to Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto, which had the necessary equipment and staff for extremely premature infants.

The twins were born by natural delivery just one hour after the 22-week mark, making them some of the earliest premature babies ever recorded.


Their skin was incredibly fragile and thin. Kevin added, “Their skin was so fragile and thin that you could literally see through to their organs.” The twins faced serious issues with their lungs, digestive system, and bone fractures. There were many scary moments during the first few weeks. The couple said “We didn’t want to sleep because we didn’t know if they would still be alive when we woke up.”

But Adiah and Adrial fought bravely and slowly gained weight, overcoming their most serious difficulties. After spending five months in the hospital, Adiah was finally able to go home on August 11th, and Adrial followed a week later.

Dr. Prakest Shah, the chief pediatrician, acknowledged that although there is still a long way to go in terms of their brain, heart, and lung growth due to their early birth, the twins are doing remarkably well.

Last month, the twins celebrated their first birthday, a milestone that was once uncertain. Shakina remains optimistic about their future, saying, “We don’t know what the future holds, but we have no doubt that Adiah and Adrial will continue to thrive and do well. Someday, when they’re older, I can’t wait to tell them all about the day they were born.”

Shakina shared with other parents going through the NICU journey, “Just being there, being present for your babies makes a huge difference on the outcomes.”

“Speak positive words to them; tell them about how much you love them. Tell them about all of the things you hope and you dream for them. Be present for your babies,” she reflected.


She added, “Be brave to advocate to stand up for what your babies need.”

Although their children hold the Guinness World Record for most premature twins, Kevin said he hopes this is a record that gets broken as more progress is made to resuscitate babies born at much earlier gestations.

Adiah and Adrial’s story shows that every life deserves a chance.

No matter what the abortion industry claims, birth does not create life. Life exists from the moment of conception, and we must protect children at every stage.

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