Recently unsealed documents confirm that the abortion business Planned Parenthood did, in fact, profit from the sale of baby body parts obtained from babies killed in abortion. The newly unsealed documents include invoices and contracts between a Planned Parenthood affiliate in California and the tissue procurement company StemExpress.
The invoices, dated for three months of 2012, show that Planned Parenthood Mar Monte billed StemExpress a total of $24,940, just for those three months. The invoices and contract outline how Planned Parenthood billed the tissue procurement company $55 for each baby body part deemed “usable” and $10 for every blood sample taken from a mother. The contract refers to the baby body parts as “POC,” which stands for “products of conception,” a euphemism in the abortion industry for the body of an aborted baby.
In 2015, the Center For Medical Progress released bombshell undercover videos of executives at Planned Parenthood describing the lucrative trafficking of baby body parts. At the time, Planned Parenthood attempted to dismiss the scandal by claiming any payment was “reimbursement” for employee time and shipping. However, in 2015, whistleblower Holly O’Donnell, a former employee of one of the tissue procurement companies working with the abortion business, provided a firsthand account of the arrangement. According to O’Donnell, tissue procurement technicians were present in the abortion clinics and personally handled shipping the body parts. In other words, there were no expenses incurred by the abortion facility for which they could be supposedly “reimbursed.”
The newly available documents confirm O’Donnell’s account and lay to rest the abortion giant’s claim that they were being altruistic by trafficking baby body parts. A writer for the Federalist notes, “Not only is the word ‘reimbursement’ not found in the contract, but the invoices did not bill reimbursements for any other supplies or services that may have been used to procure tissue deemed unusable.”
An even bigger indictment than O’Donnell’s description of her work for the tissue procurement company was the words of the Planned Parenthood personnel themselves, caught on camera by undercover investigative journalists David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt. Posing as tissue buyers, Daleiden and Merritt engaged a wide range of abortionists and Planned Parenthood executives in conversation about business opportunities. In these talks, abortionists discussed their willingness to alter abortion procedures in order to extract more lucrative body parts intact (a crime), and they haggled about the prices for which they would be willing to sell “fetal tissue,” the body parts of preborn babies killed in abortion.
The documents were released as part of the 2016 investigation by Congress’s Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives, but according to news sources the names of Planned Parenthood Mar Monte and StemExpress had been redacted. The unredacted version released this month came after Judge William Orrick ordered the release. Orrick, despite ties to the abortion industry, currently presides over Planned Parenthood’s lawsuit against investigative journalist Daleiden. Although Daleiden and his colleagues brought to light the criminal activity taking place at Planned Parenthood, he is the one who faces severe legal consequences.
In response to the unsealing of contracts and invoices, Daleiden issued a statement:
Contrary to what Planned Parenthood has long and falsely claimed, Planned Parenthood’s monthly invoices of fetal body parts show zero “reimbursements’” for shipping or packaging. They show Planned Parenthood selling baby body parts based on the number of specimens “determined in the clinic to be usable,” per contract with StemExpress. Planned Parenthood’s contracts and invoices are proof positive that their payments were tied solely to the marketability of aborted baby body parts.Daleiden continues to fight unjust legal battles for exposing the crimes of the abortion industry, and he has called for the real criminals to face prosecution. Daleiden closed his statement writing, “When abortion businesses can make $25,000 a quarter selling baby body parts, it is long past time for the Department of Justice to do its job and hold them accountable.”