Abortion May 1, 2010 0 Fetal Pain “The fetus within this time frame of gestation, 20 weeks and beyond, is fully capable…
Bioethics April 1, 2010 0 Euthanasia: Devaluing Human Life Euthanasia is a growing problem in the United States and across the world. Physician-assisted suicide…
Bioethics April 1, 2010 0 Euthanasia: Devaluing Human Life Euthanasia is a growing problem in the United States and across the world. Physician-assisted suicide…
Healthcare March 21, 2010 0 Sen. John Cornyn provides health care townhall for TRTL members Participate in an important Tele-Townhall with Senator John Cornyn on March 18, at 7:00pm.
News March 21, 2010 0 Meet Texas Supreme Court Candidate Rick Green 5:00 PM on Sunday, March 21, At the home of Texas Right to Life PAC board member Vince Puente
News March 20, 2010 0 Missing: Pro-Life as a hot topic at CPAC Glenn Beck and Ann Coulter, who both had standing room only crowds, didn´t address the Pro-Life issue at all
News March 20, 2010 0 Television shows more characters choosing Life Along with the Law and Order episode, we have seen the issue brought up on Ugly Betty, Private Practice, Grey´s Anatomy, and a very Pro-Life episode of House.
News March 20, 2010 0 Sen. Brown to be deciding vote on anti-life nominee Many Pro-Life Republicans oppose nominee because of her extreme beliefs on abortion — even comparing pregnancy to slavery.
Abortion March 15, 2010 0 Abortion: Gendercide´s greatest tool Why is it only violence against women when the fetuses being aborted are female in the name of gender selection, and not in the name of choice?
Abortion March 1, 2010 0 Emergency Contraception, a.k.a., the “Morning-After” Pill What is it? Emergency contraception, also known as the “morning-after” pill, can take two forms:…