The Austin City Council has officially dedicated funding to the ant-Life logistics group Jane’s Due Process, known for illegally trafficking women and minors out of state for abortions, in the city’s 2025 budget, without regard to preborn babies or the health of their mothers.
On August 14, the Council approved its budget for fiscal year 2025, including $400,000 for a “Reproductive Health–Logistical Support” fund. This allocation channels tax dollars to groups that assist illegal and out-of-state abortions, in violation of Texas law.
In response, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton sued the City of Austin in September for this unlawful use of public funds.
Most recently, the Austin City Council met to finalize fund dedication on November 7. Agenda Item 27 stated the council’s intent to:
“Authorize negotiation and execution of an agreement with Jane’s Due Process to provide logistical support services for reproductive healthcare, which may include support for travel, case management, emotional support, or other services that would support a client who is facing barriers to abortion access, for an 11-month term, through September 30, 2025, for a total contract amount not to exceed $100,000.”
After Thursday’s meeting, this agenda item was approved with the consent of the council members.

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Jane’s Due Process is a pro-abortion logistics group that funds abortion travel for Texas women, including airfare, gas, hotel stays, ride shares, childcare, companion travel, and food. The Council’s decision to pay for these operations is a grave disregard for the dignity of innocent preborn babies and for Texas’ Pro-Life protections.
This is similar to the San Antonio City Council, which approved a budget item last year that immediately landed the government in a lawsuit from local citizens and Texas Right to Life. Although San Antonio has not yet distributed the funding, as Austin has done, officials repeatedly discussed sending money to similar anti-Life groups that directly pay for or aid in abortions.
The Austin City Council’s Recommendation for Action claims to “improve health and wellness outcomes among vulnerable communities in Austin.” Yet, if successful, this destructive action will end the lives of the city’s most vulnerable individuals.
Taxpayers should not have to watch as their hard-earned taxpayer dollars are used to kill innocent babies. Texas Right to Life is already working on legislation to hold these, and other cities, accountable to protect preborn Texans and their mothers.
Cities like Austin commit themselves to destroying their most innocent, vulnerable citizens when they should be pouring resources into empowering mothers so that the violence of abortion is never an option.
If you or someone you know is facing an unexpected pregnancy, know you are not alone! There are hundreds of pregnancy resource centers across Texas waiting to prepare you for parenting or connect you to great families who would love to adopt your precious baby! You can find local support here or call Texas Right to Life and we will help connect you to nonprofits near you.
Texas is a state that values innocent human Life from fertilization until natural death. However, liberal cities have started to push their radical abortion agendas thinking they can get away with it. What those anti-Life cities don’t know is caring advocates like you will not stand to the side and watch this happen. Pitch in today to battle with us against liberal cities and their radical abortion agendas!
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