How pregnant college students chose life against the odds

At Texas Right to Life we are very proud that we are able to use the generous gifts of our supporters and members toward the education of the future Pro-Life generations. Most of you are aware of how your gifts have helped many students obtain scholarships in our Generation Now program. What you may not know is how that gift keeps on giving. The Lumberjacks for Life is the Pro-Life organization at Stephen F. Austin University started by our Generation Now Scholar, Emily Kebodeaux. They have cleverly named their group Lumberjacks for Life after the school's mascot. The mission of Lumberjacks for Life is simple: “Through the scholarship program, Lumberjacks for Life is helping to create an environment on their campus where women are encouraged to continue with their college education and choose life for their children.” Emily Kebodeaux Through many fundraisers, the group raised money to help pregnant college students who chose life against many odds. Many of these women would have dropped out of college or chosen to abort their baby in order to stay in school. Emily's vision was a success: Lumberjacks for Life recently awarded $500 scholarships to five mothers for each semester of the 2009-2010 academic year. The scholarship recipients were all single moms, and this scholarship helped them to continue their education. 

“Receiving the scholarship from Lumberjacks for Life has given me the courage to believe in myself. I now know that others care about me and nothing will stop me from reaching my educational goals!” -Heather Miears, 2009-2010 Lumberjacks for Life Scholarship Recipient

Many of the recipients had lost touch with their family during the pregnancy, lost touch with the father of the baby, or simply would not have the money to go to school due to the pregnancy. Lumberjacks for Life plans to raise enough money to add three more scholarships for the fall of 2010

“Just the mere act of an organization on a college campus lending help for pregnant women or moms that already have babies was HUGE to me. It wasn't until I learned about the scholarship and met the people in Lumberjacks for Life that I really felt like everything was going to be ok.” Vanessa, 2009-2010 Lumberjacks for Life Scholarship Recipient

Through the many donations made each year to Texas Right to Life, we are able to educate the future generation about how to fight for the Culture of Life. The money that is donated is used in many different ways and the Lumberjacks for Life is just one example of how it can go a very long way to directly touch the lives of young women who need it most. Texas Right to Life would like to say thank you to our members for your gracious donations and thank you to Emily and the Lumberjacks for Life for helping women in their important time of need in the battle for life.