Liberal cities are doubling down on funding abortion travel.
The San Antonio City Council’s Community Health Committee recently approved an additional $100,000 for the city’s Reproductive Justice Fund. Three of the five committee members voted to pass the measure. This money is explicitly intended to cover abortion travel expenses. The full city council will next vote on whether to approve or reject the proposal, though a date for this vote has not yet been announced.
This is not the first time San Antonio has attempted to misuse taxpayer funds in this way. In January, the committee failed to approve the funding, with a vote of two in favor, one opposed, and one abstention. However, they succeeded this time, proving their determination to funnel public dollars toward killing preborn Texans.
This new proposal follows last year’s approval of $500,000 for the Reproductive Justice Fund, originally intended to pay for abortion travel costs. Texas Right to Life and other Pro-Life groups swiftly filed a lawsuit to prevent this misuse of taxpayer dollars. Thankfully, the city responded by redirecting funds to organizations that would not use the money for abortion travel. Yet, some city council members are continuing their pro-abortion agenda, claiming the city “failed to fulfill the original intent” of the fund—hence their renewed effort to push this initiative forward.
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Sadly, San Antonio is not alone. Cities like Austin have created similar “reproductive justice” funds, using tax money to pay for abortion travel. One such organization, Jane’s Due Process, received $100,000 from the city of Austin this past year.
This is part of a horrific growing trend. The Texas Health and Human Services Commission reported that an estimated 15,000 Texans traveled out of state to obtain abortions in 2023. If cities like San Antonio and Austin get their way, this number will rise—paid for with your tax money!
The Texas Legislature must act now to stop this blatant misuse of public funds. The Stop Tax-Funded Abortion Travel Act—Senate Bill 730 by Senator Donna Campbell (R-New Braunfels) and House Bill 1806 by Representative Candy Noble (R-Lucas)—would prohibit all governmental entities from using taxpayer dollars or resources to support abortion travel. SB 730 and HB 1806 are essential to strengthening Texas’ Pro-Life laws and ensuring public funds are used to support Life, not destroy it.
We cannot let liberal city leaders weaken Texas’ Pro-Life protections. Contact your state legislators today and urge them to pass SB 730 and HB 1806. We must stand firm in protecting preborn children and their mothers—because Life is a gift from God, and every Texan deserves the right to be born!
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