The Republican Party is the Clear Choice for Texas Pro-Lifers

The Republican Party of Texas deeply values Life. Here in Texas, republicans remain committed to upholding and strengthening the life-saving protections for preborn babies in our law. 

The Democratic Party, on the other hand, does not value Life and they are not hiding it. If the Democrats had it their way, there would be NO protections for preborn children. Instead, abortion would be legal through birth and would be funded with taxpayer dollars.

This vast distinction is made clear in the political parties’ own words. These selections come from the Texas Republican and Democratic party platforms, which were each approved at their respective 2024 state conventions.

Issue Texas Republican Party Platform Texas Democratic Party Platform
Sanctity of Life We, the 2024 Republican Party of Texas, believe in … The sanctity of innocent human life, created in the image of God, which should be equally protected from fertilization to natural death.”

The Republican Party believes that all people, born and preborn, are made in the image of God.

Use evidence-based medical science and data to guide reproductive healthcare policies, recognize the rights of the pregnant person are paramount, and oppose any dangerous restrictions on Texans’ access to abortion care.

The Democratic Party is opposed to ANY restriction on the “right” to an abortion. Only 10% of Americans agree with this stance.

Taxpayer dollars for abortion We support completely eliminating public funding for, or contracts with, Planned Parenthood, other abortion providers, or any of their affiliates. We oppose their digital or physical presence in our schools and other public institutions, and the expansion of their facilities in our neighborhoods. We call for a state law prohibiting governmental contracts with abortion providers
and their affiliates.”

The Republican Party believes that your taxpayer dollars should not pay for abortion.

Fight for the human right to an abortion, including by repealing the Hyde Amendment.

Fund qualified healthcare providers, including Planned Parenthood, who provide preventive healthcare, pregnancy prevention, affordable prenatal care, and postpartum contraception.

The Democratic Party wants to give your hard-earned money to abortion providers, allowing them to take preborn lives on your dime.

Pregnancy Resource Centers The Republican Party of Texas supports programs that provide assistance to pregnant women and promote the sanctity of life.”

The Republican Party supports assistance for pregnant mothers in need by providing strong funding for the Thriving Texas Families program. This program promotes Life by partnering with qualified adoption agencies, maternity homes, and pregnancy resource centers.

Defund anti-abortion centers (formerly known as “crisis pregnancy centers” or CPCs) which discourage abortion using unscientific, inaccurate information.

The Democratic Party wants to stop life-saving pregnancy resource centers from providing crucial life-affirming care to women with unexpected pregnancies – abandoning her and her preborn baby.

Cities Protecting Life Supporting the right of Texas municipalities to protect mothers and their preborn children in their communities by passing enforceable city ordinances that further ban abortions within their city limits, closing loopholes in state abortion laws.

The Republican Party wants cities to be able to protect Life further within their jurisdictions.

Prohibit any political subdivision from penalizing a pregnant person traveling to get an abortion or entities who provide logistical support to those traveling to get an abortion.”

The Democratic Party wants to prohibit cities and counties from protecting preborn Life. Some Democrat-led cities are currently actively funding travel for out-of-state abortion.

Medical Emergencies We support the current medical emergency exception laws which include the management of confirmed ectopic pregnancies, which are not to be considered abortions.… We urge the Legislature and health agencies to educate and inform medical professionals and the public about the law of medical emergency exceptions. The mother’s life remains the primary consideration in providing emergency care exceptions in the management of ectopic pregnancies and complicated preterm premature rupture of the membrane (PPROM).”

The Republican Party values mother’s lives, and does NOT believe women should be on the brink of death before receiving medically necessary care.

Require emergency rooms to provide the federally-required stabilizing care, including abortion, when medically necessary.”

The Democratic party wants to force emergency rooms to provide non-consensual abortions disguised as “stabilizing care.” This would turn every emergency room into an abortion clinic.

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