Democrat candidate for president Joe Biden confirmed his abortion extremism last week when he publicly explained his position on abortion during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. In a video with failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, Biden inaccurately described elective abortion as “an essential health care service.” In doing so, Biden revealed his disagreement with Pro-Life states like Texas banning elective abortion during the ongoing public health crisis.
Biden’s comments came as part of a virtual town hall focused the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on women. Clinton appeared as Biden’s “special guest” and announced her endorsement of Biden’s campaign (notably after all other candidates stepped out of the race). Clinton also used her appearance to push for her biggest allies, the abortion industry.
Biden, who has been in lockstep with the abortion extremism of the Democrat party and reversed his support for such commonsense measures as the Pro-Life Hyde Amendment, joined Clinton in unquestioning support for abortion without restriction. He said, “We need to ensure that women have access to all health services during this crisis.” He claimed, “Abortion an essential health care service.”
Biden cited the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and the American Medical Association (AMA) for support of his claim that abortion is “health care.” As Live Action notes, Biden fails to acknowledge the anti-Life bias of these medical organizations. According to Live Action, “ACOG is fully in support of abortion, even fighting against commonsense abortion restrictions. The AMA declared war on the idea of requiring informed consent before abortions, as well as on pro-life pregnancy centers in recent years. Neither one is even remotely neutral on the issue of abortion.”
In response to ACOG’s position, the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG) sent a press release stating, “Continuing to perform elective abortions during a pandemic is medically irresponsible. Abortions use up much needed resources such as masks, gloves, and other personal protective equipment. The practice also potentially generates more patients to be seen in already overburdened emergency rooms.” These considerations are part of what prompted Texas to ban elective abortion during the pandemic.
Clinton was the perfect guest to accompany Biden in his town hall, which amounted to little more than doing the bidding of the abortion industry. Clinton was the most extreme anti-Life candidate in our nation’s history. After losing her presidential bid to Pro-Life Donald Trump, Clinton was named “Champion of the Century” by her cronies at the abortion business Planned Parenthood, which dumped millions into her campaign. Usually, “champions” win elections, but because Planned Parenthood’s radical abortion agenda may be the single greatest contribution to Clinton’s defeat, the organization can’t acknowledge that she lost.
Clinton’s endorsement of Biden also highlights the hypocrisy of the abortion mob. Two years ago, abortion activists attempted to derail the nomination of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh with flimsy, unproven accusations of sexual assault. Today, the powerful celebrity and political supporters of Planned Parenthood and the abortion cartel in our nation still refuse to address claims of sexual assault made against Biden. The silence shows that the Kavanaugh accusations had nothing to do with seeking justice and everything to do with thwarting the appointment of a highly qualified justice who may rightly contribute to overturning the unsound and unjust Roe v. Wade decision.
In 2016, voters rejected the anti-Life platform of Hillary Clinton funded by the biggest abortion organizations in our country. Americans elected President Donald Trump in part because of his commitment to Pro-Life principles, which he has proven in his first term in office. Biden’s decision to follow Clinton’s lead in demanding radical anti-Life policies is out of step with the majority of Americans.
The abortion mob knows how much is at stake in the 2020 election and will pull out all the stops to propel Biden into office where Clinton failed. We must defend our Pro-Life values and ensure that the voice of the Pro-Life majority is once again heard.