Bernie Sanders ends presidential bid, pro-abortion Joe Biden to become Democratic nominee

Bernie Sanders announced today he is ending his presidential campaign. Sanders, who claimed that being pro-abortion is an “absolutely essential part of being a Democrat,” was the only remaining contender in the field for the Democratic nomination against frontrunner Joe Biden. Biden will face President Trump in the November election.

Sanders’ flagship policy, Medicare for All, would force American taxpayers to directly fund others’ elective abortions.

Additionally, Sanders called upon Congress to codify Roe v. Wade into federal law, which would block states like Texas from enacting any protections for preborn children. He also pledged to only nominate pro-abortion judges to federal courts if he were president.

Sadly, Joe Biden is equally pro-abortion. Biden has pledged to force Americans to fund abortions in other countries on day one of his presidency.

Although he once supported the Hyde Amendment, which protected Pro-Life taxpayers from funding elective abortions, Biden now says that “it has to be [repealed]… It can’t stay.”

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