Pro-Life Aggies need your help!

Every fall and spring semester at Texas A&M University, Pro-Life Aggies hosts a Memorial of the Innocents display in Academic Plaza.  The display is comprised of 1,500 wooden crosses, where each cross represents two lives lost to abortion every single day in the United States.  The display is in the middle of campus to catch students’ attention in the hope of sparking productive conversations about Pro-Life topics.  In this way, Pro-Life Aggies works to change the culture of death into a Culture of Life.

In keeping with tradition, Pro-Life Aggies will have our Memorial of the Innocents on October 17, but with an important addition.  This year, Pro-Life Aggies will decorate the crosses with flowers.  Members and officers helping with the event will make flowers available for men and women to lay at the foot of each cross.  With the addition of flowers, Pro-Life Aggies hopes to make the memorial more meaningful and engaging for people, as well as offer healing to those who have personally been affected by abortion.

In order to sustainably use our funds, Pro-Life Aggies needs your help to fund the costs of the flowers to beautify our memorial.  Our goal is to raise $500.  Pro-Life Aggies would love this chance to partner with you in order to advance the Culture of Life at Texas A&M University.  Will you consider giving?  Thanks and Gig ‘em!