You saved an estimated 3,500 babies!

Texas halted most elective abortions during the COVID-19 outbreak. Thanks to your Pro-Life votes and voice, you saved 3,500 babies from abortion!

During the outbreak, your activism helped halt elective abortions to conserve scarce medical supplies! Texas Right to Life worked with the state to ensure abortion facilities were held accountable. Even though the abortion industry worked night and day to stop the ban in court, their business has been crippled like never before in Texas history.

• All of Texas’s 24 abortion facilities stopped 98% of their murderous business!

• We estimate 3,500 lives were saved throughout the month the temporary ban was in effect!

• This is the first time in 47 years that Texas has so successfully weakened the industry!

This proves that God can bring good out of any circumstance for His glory.

“As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.” Genesis 50:20

Do you see how YOU saved THOUSANDS of lives!? All Texas patients and unborn children need YOU. Your support ministers to the most vulnerable. Will you prayerfully consider building a Pro-Life Texas with a new donation right now? We are in one of the toughest periods our organization has faced in recent years.

The COVID-19 stimulus package allows most folks like you to receive a $300 above the line deduction if you donate up to $300 to a 501(c)3 nonprofit, even if you do not itemize. (Would you rather the government have their hands on this money?) Please know that your gift will boost Pro-Life activism and educational efforts.



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