Texas Right to Life was founded in 1973 to peacefully and prayerfully protect the God-given Right to Life of innocent human beings from fertilization to natural death.
We have become a leader in the Pro-Life movement both in our state and around the world.
We are a Christian ministry because we acknowledge that the Lord alone has the power to defeat the evils of abortion and euthanasia.
God has placed a fire in our hearts not only to save His tiny image bearers, but to change the culture so their lives are cherished and valued, not seen as disposable.
Our History
In the 1960s, concerned citizens around Texas joined their local doctors, lawyers, ministers, and social workers as they testified in Austin in a grassroots effort to protect the long-standing laws of our state that safeguarded the yet-to-be-born child. Because of the common motivation of these citizens, a state organization, Texas Right to Life, was incorporated in 1973 to strengthen and coordinate their defense of innocent human life. The challenge intensified when Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton blocked every law in the land that protected those who could not protect themselves.
Decades later, our work continues as we fight for the rights of the unborn (including the nascent humans created in laboratories), the disabled, the sick, the elderly, and the unloved in a world where the lack of respect for innocent human life has escalated to the point where they are all at risk.
Texas Right to Life is the oldest and largest statewide Pro-Life organization in Texas. The members, directors, staff, and affiliated local chapters of Texas Right to Life seek to articulate and protect the Right to Life of defenseless human beings, born and unborn, through legal, peaceful, and prayerful means. This commitment is derived from a belief that each human being, from the moment of fertilization until natural death, has an immeasurable dignity and inalienable Right to Life.
We fight for the rights of the unborn, the disabled, the sick, the elderly, and the unloved in a world where the lack of respect for innocent human life has escalated to the point where we are all at risk.
However, no lasting change can take hold in our land until all people truly believe that Life is sacred and must be protected. Education is the first step on our long journey to restoring the sanctity of innocent human life. The last few decades have proven that many more Texans must join us if we are to triumph, advance our Culture of Life, and build the Kingdom of God.