November 6-10, renowned bioethicist, attorney, and author Wesley J. Smith toured Texas medical and law schools with an important message. Smith’s tour, “Medical Ethics: Patient vs Doctor Rights in the Texas Advance Directives Act,” informed medical and law students of changes in health care law that threaten conscience protections for physicians and threaten patients’ rights against rationed healthcare. Smith explained the Texas Advance Directives Act specifically, the most progressive of such laws in the nation and colloquially known as the “10 Day Law,” which allows health panels to make judgment calls on a patient’s quality of life and remove life-sustaining treatment against a patient’s will with no due process. To adequately prepare these students for their future careers as physicians and attorneys, Smith educated students in conscience rights, euthanasia policies, and the protections for patients and physicians against policies that view humans as no more than dollar signs.
Smith’s tour stopped at six schools in five cities:
UT Health, San Antonio
McGovern Medical School, Houston
Texas A&M College of Health, College Station
UT Medical Branch, Galveston
UH Law Center, Houston
SMU School of Law, Dallas