You might know Wendy Davis from her failed attempt at becoming Texas Governor, her filibuster against Pro-Life legislation as a Texas state senator, or her role as senior advisor for Planned Parenthood’s PAC in Texas. In line with her track record, Davis swooped into Amarillo, Texas, last week to utterly lie about Proposition A. She argued that making Amarillo a Sanctuary City for the Unborn would “literally constrain people’s ability to travel on public roads.” Obviously, we know that to be a lie.
This November, Amarillo will vote on the Sanctuary City for the Unborn ballot measure, otherwise known as Prop A. This would protect preborn Texans and their mothers from the new tactics of pro-abortion groups. Amarillo is a key location since it is a transit point for those trafficking pregnant minors and women to other states, such as Colorado or New Mexico. In response to this new trend, the Amarillo citizens behind the Sanctuary City for the Unborn ordinance included provisions that would hold anti-Life groups accountable for intentionally trafficking women through their city for abortion.

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The Sanctuary City for the Unborn ordinance prohibits abortion, abortion-inducing drugs, aiding and abetting an abortion, and abortion on the residents of the community no matter where it takes place. Although Texas law prohibits abortion, the ordinance offers additional protections and confronts the new tactics and strategies that Amarillo residents are encountering from radical anti-Life groups.
Planned Parenthood and pro-abortion organizations in Texas have become “abortion travel agencies” now that the brick-and-mortar abortion clinics in the state have been forced to stop killing babies. Texas women have shared their stories of how these groups have organized free buses and carpools to take women, including minors, out of state for elective abortions.
On May 1st we started helping TX teens travel out of state for abortion care, and in just the 1st month we did 30 intakes.
— Jane's Due Process (@JanesDueProcess) June 8, 2023
If you're under 18, in Texas, and need an abortion, 📲call or text us at 688-999-5263.
Because Proposition A would hold Planned Parenthood and others accountable for trafficking, anti-Lifers have targeted Amarillo with deceptive ads, flooding the city with lies and falsely labeling it a “Travel Ban.” Their latest tactic was sending failed politician, Wendy Davis, to spread their misinformation and manipulation against Prop A. While in Amarillo, Davis stated:
“This proposition seeks to literally constrain people’s ability to travel on public roads. If we allow our government to say we cannot drive on roads, for whatever purpose, then where will that end? Regardless of how they feel about reproductive rights, or autonomy, or healthcare, we all constitutionally should have the right to travel on local streets, and on state streets, and on federal streets that our tax dollars pay for.”
Despite the fact that her statements are clearly false, the Amarillo Freedom PAC shared the video on social media and continues to circulate it to promote their misleading “Travel Ban” narrative.
The truth is, that the ordinance itself clarifies that no one is prohibited from traveling to, from, or through Amarillo. If Proposition A passes, pregnant women in Texas are still allowed to drive out of state for any reason and cannot be prosecuted for that travel, even if it is for an abortion in another state. Under the Pro-Life language, a woman can buy a plane or bus ticket, get an Uber, or drive herself wherever she wants for whatever reasons she wants. However, what is prohibited by the Pro-Life ordinance is trafficking a pregnant woman out of or through Amarillo for abortion. Pro-abortion groups that transport minors out of state for abortions will violate the ordinance and be subject to civil lawsuits, facing fines starting at $10,000 for each offense.
As the Pro-Life Amarillo citizens have continuously clarified, Prop A is not a travel ban, it is an abortion trafficking ban. However, abortion-extremist forces have manipulated Christian conservatives in Amarillo to vote against the measure because of the fear this will hurt citizens’ right to travel.Ultimately, Pro-Life voters should support the Sanctuary City for the Unborn ordinance. Proposition A provides Texans with another way to protect women and preborn babies from the horrors of abortion, reflecting the community’s commitment to the sanctity of Life. If passed, Amarillo would join over four dozen Texas cities to implement this life-saving measure.Vote Yes on Prop A!
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