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We will spare no effort

This past Saturday, July 22, we finished the last committee hearing in the State Senate on Texas Right to Life bills during this Special Session of the 85th Texas Legislature.

State Senator Brandon Creighton (R-Conroe) successfully introduced, explained, and defended Senate Bill 8, a bill to remove the coverage of elective abortion from private insurance plans, from the benefit plans for state employees, and from the state exchange plans under ObamaCare.

You and I should no longer pay for the abortions of others with our private funds or through our taxes.  State Senator Larry Taylor (R-Friendswood) has been working with Texas Right to Life on this bill for several years, and he has successfully passed and sent this legislation to the Texas House of Representatives, where the insurance reform bill has been purposefully killed 3 times by Joe Straus, Byron Cook, and the liberal House leadership.



Some interesting facts and sad revelations
 were offered at the hearing on Saturday in the Senate Committee on Business and Commerce, chaired by Pro-Life State Senator Kelly Hancock (R-North Richland Hills).

  • Texas lags behind 25 other states that have already enacted insurance protections of this kind.  Thus, this legislation is in no way extreme and certainly not unconstitutional.
  • Several nonprofit organizations fundraise to pay for others’ abortions.
  • The Lilith Fund sponsors abortions of pregnant women who call for help with an abortion.
  • The Texas Equal Access Fund representative said that most of the pregnant women to whom the TEA Fund gives money for abortion already have at least one child.
  • Abortion clinics offer payment plans for pregnant women who can’t pay the cost ($600-$1,500) all at once.
  • The Texas League of Women Voters exposed themselves as officially against this bill.  In fact, they are not a neutral organization that simply does voter drives.  They are part of the anti-Life dark army that works against any and all Pro-Life legislation.
  • Senator Judith Zaffirini (D-Laredo) declared herself to be Pro-Life and will vote to save babies, but she will not vote to restrict a woman’s right to choose (choose what?!).  Zaffirini wants to help women pay for their abortions.  Her candor today is a remarkable flip-flop from just months ago when Senator Zaffirini voted in favor of the bill in this same committee.

With a few days of the 30-day special session complete, the committee meetings in the State Senate (Health & Human Services heard four Pro-Life measures yesterday plus today’s hearing in Business & Commerce) mark the easiest stage of our work here in Austin.  The Texas Senate is overwhelmingly favorable to the Pro-Life cause, and under the Pro-Life leadership of Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, the State Senate is poised to pass all these key Pro-Life measures by the end of next week.


  • Senate Committee Hearings


  • Senate Floor Debate and Vote
  • House Committee Hearings
  • House Floor Debate and Vote
  • Approval by each chamber of the passage of the final versions of each respective companion bill

Each stage will be more difficult (and expensive) than the previous.

We will spare no effort or expense to see that Texas Right to Life’s bills reach Governor Abbott’s desk this summer.

Please send help to Austin.

Donate $15, $35, $200, $500, $1,000, or even $5,000 today. 

The first days have been successful.  But the road is only uphill from here, and enemy is gathering.