We work in a peaceful but fast-paced office where personal responsibility is highly regarded. Our office is busy; employees must remain focused in order to complete all the tasks required of them within a reasonable time period. In addition to prioritizing assignments, employees commit themselves to improving our organization. A commitment to the following Pro-Life values is expected from each employee:
- Human life begins at fertilization.
- All innocent human life is worthy of protection regardless of age and physical or mental competence, including life begun in a laboratory.
- The terminally ill are intrinsically valuable to our human family; therefore, they should receive all requested lifesaving care, including compassionate palliative care.
Commitment to each listed Pro-Life value is non-negotiable.
- What does being Pro-Life mean?
- Why are you Pro-Life?
- What three qualities are needed in Pro-Life activists?
- Why do you want to work for Texas Right to Life?
- Do you want full or part-time employment?
- What is your availability?
- What will you add to Texas Right to Life?
Be a vital member of the most dynamic Pro-Life organization on Earth!