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Texas Right to Life PAC is proud to endorse Philip Eby for election to State House 58.
Philip shares Texas Right to Life’s belief that innocent human life must be protected from fertilization to natural death. Philip Eby is a true advocate for the Pro-Life cause.
Philip seeks to protect the lives of preborn Texans from the abortion industry. Philip also supports real reform to the Texas Advanced Directive Law. Current law authorizes doctors and hospitals to stop medical treatment from ailing patients after providing 10 days notice. Philip Eby will protect the disabled, dying, infirm, and elderly who are hospitalized.
Philip Eby is the only candidate endorsed by Texas Right to Life and he will stand for all Texans, even those who are being bullied by medical professionals.
Texas needs Pro-Lifers in the State House.
Vote Pro-Life and elect Philip Eby on May 27!
Early voting: May 19-23
Election Day: Tuesday, May 27