Preborn children 20 weeks and older are one step closer to protection from excruciating late-term abortions in America after the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act by a vote of 242-184 yesterday.
The bill garnered the support of a solid majority of Americans long before finally seeing passage yesterday. 60% of the general population supports the measure, which – contrary to liberal fear-mongering—includes Millennials and female voters. In fact, nearly half of Democrats even defy their abortion-on-demand party platform in support of a 20 week ban.
En route to the House floor back in January, the bill was sabotaged by Republican-in-name-only Renee Ellmers, who stirred up opposition to the bill among fellow party members. However, Pro-Lifers remained faithful to the preborn children who desperately need protection, and continued to work tirelessly toward the passage of this monumental law.
There is no denial within the medical and scientific communities that babies in utero feel intense pain during abortions. Consequently, in Texas, preborn children from 20 weeks gestation have been protected from painful late-term abortions since the implementation of House Bill 2, the Pro-Life Omnibus Bill, in 2013. The federal law will protect preborn babies in more than half of the states in the country – which do not currently protect children at 20 weeks – from the brutality of abortion.
Speaker John Boehner said that the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act is the most Pro-Life piece of legislation “to ever come before this body.” We know that the Act is a strong stride toward a completely Pro-Life America, and we look forward to increasingly fortified protections being increasingly approved by Congress.