In a shocking yet unsurprising move, Vice President Kamala Harris visited an abortion facility on March 14 for a photo op in support of her radical pro-abortion values. This visit aptly demonstrates the fanatical pro-abortion stance of the current Democratic Party, moving from a position that once sought to make abortion “safe, legal, and rare” to a current advocacy for abortion as an integral part of “women’s healthcare”, completely disregarding the lives of the preborn.
The visit to the Planned Parenthood facility in Saint Paul, Minnesota, a state with notably permissive abortion laws, highlights this transformation. This visit marks the first time a sitting president or vice president has visited an abortion clinic. During her time there, Harris spent a half hour on a private tour, held discussions with employees who work at the abortion facility, and gave multiple anti-Life speeches.
Harris attempted to draw sympathy for her aggressively pro-abortion stance, stating that our country is facing a “health care crisis” with many states moving to protect unborn children from abortion. She attempted to villainize the Pro-Life movement as hurting women through our efforts, ignoring that abortion itself has been proven harmful to women mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

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Harris’ visit and insistence on making abortion more palatable is disgusting, but completely in step with the Biden Administration’s position as the most pro-abortion. President Biden has vowed to restore and codify Roe v. Wade (1973) if the Democrats take over full control of Congress. As Vice President Harris said herself during the visit, we have already seen what a government under full Democratic control can do in states like Minnesota, where the state rammed through a bill removing what little legal protections they had for preborn children.
The anti-Life side is not backing down. We must remain vigilant, knowing that the Biden-Harris Administration intends to keep its promises if re-elected with a Democratic Congress. It will take all our collective efforts to keep the dignity and lives of preborn children protected in the great state of Texas and to advance those protections throughout our nation.
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