Please pray for Rosemary.
Rosemary is in a hospital in Temple, but hospital administrators plan to take away her treatment against her family’s will in 10 days.
This is shocking and immoral but still legal under the horrible Texas “10-Day Rule” (soon to be 25-Day Rule).
Rosemary’s husband, Chris, contacted Texas Right to Life for help.
Rosemary is on dialysis and breathes with the assistance of a ventilator. Her treatment is working, she is conscious, and even makes eye contact with her husband.
If we don’t save her before the 10-day countdown expires, Rosemary will pass away and there will be nothing her family could do.
Please pray that we can save Rosemary!

God has the final say on all of our lives… this should not be in the hands of strangers on a hospital committee.
Governor Abbott just signed a bill that would help Rosemary and Chris, but it won’t take effect until September 1.
What’s even more cruel: The 10-day countdown includes two weekends and a holiday, which means her family will have less time to look for a transfer facility.
Please pray for Rosemary, and consider rushing a gift to our Patient Advocacy Fund as we work to protect her Right to Life and serve patients across Texas.
You are the last line of defense for patients and families like Rosemary and her husband, Chris.
Thank you for saving lives.