The United Nations Commission on Population and Development came to an abrupt end on April 14, 2023, in New York City. The Commission was expected to produce a plan of action but instead ended in chaos due to the lack of sex and abortion in the draft document. The EU, USA, and Canada added never-before-agreed-upon language to make Comprehensive Sexual Education (CSE) a human right.
Pro-Life groups opposed the policy because it would allow minor children to seek abortion providers without their parents’ knowledge or consent.
This language caused twenty-two countries representing over 1 billion people to withdraw their support of the document, leading to the negotiations spiraling into chaos.
For the plan of action to move forward, the United Nations requires the total consensus of all voting member states. However, this far-reaching pro-abortion language has made it challenging to include protective language in any UN document.

During the negotiations, the Pakistani delegation highlighted that nearly 100 million children worldwide were not being schooled due to the fallout from COVID-19 lockdowns, which was a significant crisis. However, the Dutch delegation argued that the real crisis is the lack of Comprehensive Sexual Education.
The battle over language continued until it reached a stalemate and no outcome document or plan of action was produced.
The fight in the United Nations to protect Life has become much more challenging. “It has become increasingly difficult, if not impossible, to include protective language in any UN document,” said National Right to Life Director of Hispanic Outreach Raimundo Rojas. “It takes all we have to hold back new hysterical pro-abortion language from the far left.”
Fortunately, the UN’s plan to promote abortion worldwide failed this time.