Friend —
In a debate, pro-abortion incumbent Texas Senator Jeff Wentworth incredibly exclaimed how Texans appreciate his anti-Life views on abortion.
As a career politician, he boasted that he's run for the Texas House three times and State Senate seven times on a pro-abortion record. And he gloated that he still wins even though his opponents through the years bring up the Pro-Life issue.
You see, Wentworth believes voters actually know about his pro-death record. They don't.
Friend, Jeff Wentworth — a so-called Republican — is no friend to Life. He's clearly out of touch with real people in Texas like you and me.
As a state legislator, he's stalled and stopped Pro-Life legislation and protected the medical lobbyists who push for death panels while they fund his re-elections.
Instead of representing the wishes of the voters, Wentworth champions Planned Parenthood and abortion doctors who wine and dine him and lavish him with awards.

The medical lobby wants to see establishment-type good ole boys like Jeff Wentworth stay in the “club” and do their bidding.
Enough is enough!
We, the unwashed masses — the real citizens of Texas — must fight to expel Wentworth.
For the first time in years, voters are paying attention to a state legislative race! Wentworth is feeling the heat as we shed light on his record. Because I work in the Capitol to make sure our legislators defend Life, I cannot ignore Wentworth’s extremist record.
Supporters like you send me and Texas Right to Life’s team to the Capitol to pass Pro-Life legislation, and I’m telling you that Wentworth always stands in our way of passing legislation that will save lives.
But we can't guarantee, yet, that we're going to defeat him on Election Day this Tuesday. But I have a plan and want you to consider supporting it.
Will you help me with a blitz campaign against Wentworth's radical abortion-on-demand record?
Will you help me reveal other pro-abortion candidates who are hiding their anti-Life record from voters?
I can't expose Wentworth and his ilk all by myself. Election Day is next Tuesday, and Texas Right to Life PAC will launch a truth campaign to voters and to oust Wentworth. This is an expensive undertaking … but not as costly as losing lives because of one person blocking a Pro-Life bill.
With help from people like you, I've almost reached our goal of $23,400 by July 31, and I still need you by my side during this final push to unearth the snakes hiding in the brush.
Friend, when I started this campaign a few months ago, I was told it would be useless. But when supporters responded to my message, I was able to launch an aggressive campaign across Texas to protect and elect Pro-Life legislators.
This Tuesday, we will see the final results and I guarantee they will surprise the media and the liberals when we replace the deceitful pro-death legislators with statesmen who truly represent Texan values.
But I can only do this if you can help right now by contributing $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000 or even $2,500.
Immediately, help preserve Texas for Life and please click this link and contribute as generously as you can right now.