President Donald Trump signed an executive order Friday preventing Americans’ tax dollars from funding abortions in other countries.
The measure takes away foreign aid from groups that abort preborn babies or encourage women to have abortions, like the International Planned Parenthood Federation.
Known for decades as the “Mexico City Policy,” the order dates back to the Regan administration. It protects American taxpayers while also showing our nation’s promise to protect Life at every stage.
Every Republican president since the 1980s has enforced the Pro-Life rule, while every Democrat president rescinded it.
When Trump restored the policy in his first term, the International Planned Parenthood Federation reported a $100 million drop in revenue.
However, the order does not touch funding for pro-abortion organizations in America. Here at home, Planned Parenthood still receives $700 million in tax dollars each year.
Last Friday’s executive order read, in part:
I further direct the Secretary of State to take all necessary actions, to the extent permitted by law, to ensure that U.S. taxpayer dollars do not fund organizations or programs that support or participate in the management of a program of coercive abortion or involuntary sterilization.
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In 2017, the Trump administration renamed the “Mexico City Policy” to the “Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance Policy.”
Right now, the Pro-Life policy only applies to certain types of U.S. government funding. It covers grants and cooperative agreements but does not include contracts. A new rule proposed by the Trump administration last week would expand the policy to include contracts as well.
The measure requires foreign contractors working on U.S. global health contracts to agree not to perform or promote abortion. They also cannot give money to foreign groups that support abortion. Contractors are banned from any actions that encourage women to have abortions or from lobbying to make abortion legal.
Restoring the Mexico City Policy is an important Pro-Life move from the Trump administration. There’s much more the president can and should do to rescue babies from abortion.
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