Texas Right to Life has joined an amicus brief with Texas Eagle Forum, which has been signed by about 50 legislators in the case Planned Parenthood v Abbott over House Bill 2, the Texas Pro-Life Omnibus Bill passed this summer. The brief says that the abortion providers who filed the lawsuit have no standing to do so.
After the Texas Legislature worked hard to defend and pass a historic Pro-Life bill, abortion advocates seek victory in the courthouse, but Attorney General Abbott and his team have been planning for months to defend the law.
Last month, Planned Parenthood, ACLU of Texas, the Center for Reproductive Rights, and other abortion providers filed a lawsuit against the legislation scheduled to take effect on October 29th. These groups went to court to block two parts of the 4-part Texas Pro-Life Omnibus Bill. After viciously opposing the Preborn Pain Bill during the 83rd Regular Legislative Session, the pro-aborts did not challenge the biggest portion of HB 2, the Preborn Pain Section, which protects the lives of preborn babies who feel pain at the 5-month mark in pregnancy. Instead, they opted to challenge sections that will impact the finances of the abortion industry including provisions that increase standards on the administration of abortion-inducing drugs and will require an abortionist to gain admitting privileges at a local hospital.
“The lawsuit solidifies the historic nature of House Bill 2. By leaving alone the Preborn Pain section of House Bill 2 and challenging the clinic regulations of the bill, the abortion industry is signaling some major losses when House Bill 2 is properly implemented. The abortion crowd knows they can not win arguments about killing babies who feel pain, but these extremists are desperate to keep playing fast and loose with women's health, resisting all increased health and safety standards required by House Bill 2,” said Elizabeth Graham, Director of Texas Right to Life, the oldest and largest Pro-Life organization in Texas.
The amicus brief argues that no undue burden exists by implementing the following standards: (1) abortionists must acquire admitting privileges at a local hospital and (2) must follow FDA guidelines for abortion-inducing drugs.
All provisions of the omnibus bill hold the abortion industry accountable and would ensure the safety of women. This lawsuit against HB 2 is just another open assault on the protection of Texas women.