The Culture War Being Fought at Texas A&M

Pro-abortion ideologues have always used universities to spread their beliefs to the new generation. Sadly, even at more conservative universities like Texas A&M, there is a fierce war being waged between the cultures of Life and death. 

As a Texas Right to Life College Fellow, student, and member of the Pro-Life Aggies club, I have been on the frontline of this culture war.

Last fall semester, a hate group formed specifically in opposition to our Pro-Life efforts. They call themselves “Coat Hangers Against Pro-Life Aggies” and their goal has been to counter our life-saving work with sabotage and abortion propaganda.

After gaining a following online, the Coat Hangers Against Pro-Life Aggies group started showing up to our Pro-Life Aggies meetings, planting hangers with messages advocating for abortion. They placed these propaganda hangers all throughout campus. Some had messages saying “Abortion is Healthcare” and “Even Mary’s was Unplanned,” while still others accused the Pro-Life Aggies and Pro-Life values as being “Taliban law” and “against everyone with a uterus.”

A picture of one of the abortion propaganda hangers left by “Coat Hangers Against Pro-Life Aggies”

The Coat Hangers is not the only group fighting against us. Many leftist feminist organizations heightened their efforts to push abortion on women. These organizations callously offered to pay for the murder of children through abortion and even funded buses to take mothers out of state for abortions.

In the spring semester, the largest abortion organization in America, Planned Parenthood, intensified their targeting of college women. Planned Parenthood colluded with A&M’s largest newspaper, “The Battalion,” to publish massive advertisements for abortions both online and in their free papers, distributed throughout campus every week.

Even through all of this, the Pro-Life Aggies continued the fight to create a campus culture that embraces and protects Life. Pro-Life Aggies held a “Memorial of the Innocents” to publicly call attention to the slaughter of the preborn through abortion. We placed 1,500 crosses on campus with one cross representing two of the 3,000 lives lost to abortion every single day in America.

We held several volunteer events throughout the school year from helping Hope Pregnancy Center by painting tables to hosting a Christmas angel tree where students bought a carload of toys and books for mothers on campus.

Pro-Life Aggies also held our first annual 5k fundraising run since Covid. We raised enough money to give over $10,000 to help pregnant and parenting students!   

Pro-Life Aggie members awarding a Pregnant and Parenting Scholarship to a student in need.

Throughout the year, Pro-Life Aggies continued to fight back against the pro-death culture by fostering conversations about the harmful nature of abortion and giving information on other resources available to women at our “tabling” events in the Aggie Memorial Student Center. At one of our tabling events we even handed out cupcakes to celebrate birthdays and to engage students in conversations about how aborted children are so tragically deprived of ever celebrating their birthdays.

A Pro-Life Aggie advocating for Life on campus at a “tabling” event

Anti-Life abortion advocates fought hard to attack Life this year. But Pro-Life Aggies fought back even harder to protect and promote Life.

This was a truly wondrous school year. We made a real impact through volunteering at our local pregnancy resource center, changing hearts and minds by educating our student body about abortion and Life issues, and supporting mothers and families on campus. With Texas Right to Life’s help, we are excited to continue working and doing our part to build a Pro-Life America.

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