Many women in Texas, like Kate Cox, have publicly celebrated their abortions in recent years, even rallying support around them. At the Democratic National Convention, Kate shared her story of ending the life of her child diagnosed with a life-limiting condition. Her testimony was met with applause and tears of joy from liberal activists, who saw the abortion of an ill baby as a necessary act. This narrative, pushed by the media, has become all too common.
In contrast, stories like Ava Trammell’s offer an eye-opening and inspiring perspective on the value of Life.
Ava’s story began during her junior year of high school when she discovered she was pregnant. Despite an initial negative result from her doctor, a visit to a pregnancy center confirmed she was four weeks along.
On the “I Like Birds” podcast with Zach Rippey, Ava shared how she was fortunate to have Pro-Life parents and a supportive church community who celebrated the new life she was carrying. However, their joy quickly turned to mourning.
At her 21-week scan, the doctors gave Ava devastating news: Her baby girl was not developing kidneys and had almost no amniotic fluid. Living in Texas, Ava was presented with two options: she could travel to another state for an abortion, or she could continue her pregnancy, with the doctors treating her baby as if she were healthy.
Even at just 17 years old, Ava had a deep conviction about the value of preborn Life. Her inspiring explanation of why she chose not to end her little girl’s life beautifully highlights the personhood of baby Sophie—a perspective that is not shared often enough.
After the appointment, Ava told her parents, “This might be crazy because I know she’s not going to survive anyway, but I only have so much time left with her. Why should I cut it any shorter? She’s safe in my womb… I’ve seen what an abortion looks like… I don’t think I could bear to have her ripped piece by piece out of my womb and shorten the life that is already so short, take her away from a spot where God has placed her in my hands, in my womb, where she’s safe and she’s warm. Where she only knows love and she doesn’t know pain. Why would I give her such a painful death, when she’s perfectly fine with me?”
Story continues below.

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She recalled her thought process more with podcast host, Zach Rippey, saying, “Today is the first day I felt her kick, I already love her more than I could ever express, not that I didn’t love her before, I loved her so much before. Just feeling her kick, my baby was in there. And I couldn’t bear the thought of having her removed.”
On November 19, 2023, she gave birth in an emergency C-section to her precious daughter Sophie. With worship music in the background, she met her daughter face to face. “I was able to stay awake for 30 minutes holding her,” before Ava was put under full anesthesia due to some complications. Then, Ava’s mother held Sophie until she passed away less than an hour later.
Ava described how, as soon as Sophie was born, she appeared uncomfortable and squirming. But the moment she was placed in her mother’s arms, she nestled in and brought her hand to her mouth, her favorite position during ultrasounds.
“Sophie may have not been here for my whole life. But I got to be here for hers. She only ever knew my love, was held and cared for by my mom and very kind nurses, and then went to be with our God and my Grandma Sandy. The best babysitters anyone could ask for. I like to think she was simply too perfect for this world.”
When society suggests that ending the life of a baby with a life-limiting diagnosis is the most compassionate option, Ava chose a different path. She gave baby Sophie dignity, love, and compassion.
The reality is that the media wants women to sacrifice their precious babies on the altar of convenience. News articles, political ads, and commercials suggest that a baby with an unfortunate diagnosis isn’t worth the effort or dignity of being nurtured in the womb. However, even at 31 weeks, Sophie was born loved, which was exactly how she was in the womb.
Babies across Texas are in danger of being killed due to their diagnosis, being “inconveniently timed”, or just because they are unwanted. Illegal abortion groups have been parading their work of trafficking women and teenage girls across state lines to end the lives of their children, with cities like Austin funding their work with taxpayer dollars. Meanwhile, deadly abortion pills are being mailed to women’s doorsteps and dorm rooms every single day.
Will you join us in the fight for Life? You can make a difference and ensure more precious babies are able to experience the gift of Life, however long the Lord has planned for them.
Also, join us in prayer for Ava Trammell and her family, that God will continue to comfort them and give them peace.
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