The Texas Supreme Court issued a ruling protecting a 20-week-old baby from abortion.
The Center for Reproductive Rights brought a lawsuit last week on behalf of Dr. Damla Karsan and Kate Cox, a Dallas woman who is 20 weeks pregnant. Baby Cox has Trisomy 18, a chromosomal disorder that could shorten her life.
One doctor anticipates that Baby Cox’s illness could require a cesarean section or induction, which could put Ms. Cox’s future fertility at risk, but other medical experts believe that this pregnancy does not jeopardize Ms. Cox’s ability to have more children.
Dr. Karsan and Ms. Cox sought approval from the court to abort Baby Cox, and a liberal judge ruled Thursday in their favor.
Texas Right to Life is thankful that the Supreme Court of Texas protected Baby Cox.
Pro-abortion groups are pitting women against their children when we as a culture should instead value both the mother and baby.
Children with disabilities deserve more protection from us, not less.
While Ms. Cox and Baby Cox’s conditions certainly require careful watch, the evidence in court does not show that the mother’s status is emergent, and medical experts have pointed to life-affirming alternatives for both her and the baby.
At the heart of this case, the Center for Reproductive Rights seeks to conflate two separate issues — the child’s disability and the risk to the mother — in order to use the lawsuit as a gateway to allow babies to be aborted for any reason.
Texas law clearly permits abortion in situations where the mother’s life is in jeopardy or if she would face a serious injury because of her pregnancy.

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The reason the Center for Reproductive Rights brought this lawsuit is because other experts disagree with the one pro-abortion physician recommending the abortion.
Texas law protects Baby Cox and Ms. Cox because they are both loved by God and equally possess the Right to Life. Baby Cox can feel pain. Baby Cox has a heartbeat. Baby Cox has brainwaves. Baby Cox is unique and unrepeatable and her life should not be cut short by being dismembered by an abortionist.
In tragic circumstances where the child may not live long, we want parents to know that there is hope in their grief. Nonprofits across Texas, such as Abel Speaks, help parents honor their children’s lives when facing a severe fetal illness. Visit for assistance or more information.
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