In anticipation of the November elections, Texas Right to Life will again launch 60-second English and Spanish language radio ads on south Texas secular and Christian stations, educating listeners about Wendy Davis’ extreme stance on abortion.
Wendy Davis filibustered for abortion on the Senate floor last summer for 11 hours. The provisions Davis fought included ensuring abortion doctors have access to emergency services should complications or malpractice arise (hospital admitting privileges), requiring the facilities that allow abortion to be adequately prepared in cases of emergencies (ambulatory surgical center upgrades), and stopping most abortions after five months into pregnancy, the point a preborn child can feel pain.
The recent revelations of Davis’ abortion history distort the message of what Davis championed in the Texas Capitol. Davis’ stance includes not only the so-called “hard cases,” but elective abortion, on-demand, through all nine months of pregnancy. The right to kill is what she advocated as a state senator.
Texas Right to Life’s adswill ensure that listeners are aware of Wendy Davis' commitment to the abortion agenda–a position contrary to the typically religious views of the citizens of the Valley. “Politicians and elected officials can no longer enjoy the luxury that their words and deeds in the Capitol stay in the Capitol. Concerned citizens across the state should know which public officials are working against their values. We are confident that our truth campaign on Davis' uncompromising advancement of abortion will be well-received and of grave concern to listeners,” said Elizabeth Graham of Texas Right to Life.
During their original airing, the Texas Right to Life ads proved significant in the Democratic primary. We are proud of our ads, recorded by a dedicated Spanish-speaking Pro-Lifer who is gravely concerned about the effect Wendy Davis will have on the respect for all Life – those in the womb, the disabled, the sick, and the elderly.
A person who espouses a worldview that the value of one human life is dependent on another’s view cannot be entrusted with protecting the lives of all Texans.
Wendy Davis cannot become our next Governor.