Texas Right to Life will display a Pro-Life mobile billboard outside the Democratic debate held in Houston on Thursday evening. The message “Abortion separates children from their families” will force candidates and voters to consider the radical position held by every candidate on stage that abortion should be legal and even taxpayer-funded until birth.

Moderators and most candidates conspicuously excluded the issue of abortion in the second Democratic debate held in June. This lack of discussion hides the fact that 94% of Americans oppose the Democratic Party’s platform of abortion up until the birth of the child, and 92% disagree with Democrats that abortion should be legal during the third trimester.
Abortion is the gravest human rights abuse of our time — for mothers who are exploited and for preborn children who are slaughtered by the big-money abortion industry. If the candidates in the Democratic Party are going to support this slaughter, the public deserves to know, and Texas Right to Life will show them.
Pol. ad paid for by Texas Right to Life PAC. (www.TexasRightToLifePAC.com)
4500 Bissonnet Street, Suite 305 Bellaire, TX 77401
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee