Texas Right to Life Joins Fight to Prevent Medicaid-Funded Abortions in Pennsylvania

Despite many Pro-Life victories since the overturning of Roe v. Wade, pro-abortion states are desperate to maintain and expand abortion. One of these states is Pennsylvania. Allegheny Reproductive Health Center, an abortion clinic, sued the PA Department of Human Services in 2021 to allow Medicaid-funded abortion services. The clinic argued women should be permitted to use their Medicaid coverage to pay for an abortion, claiming that abortion is safer than childbirth. 

Members of the anti-Life industry have united to mandate taxpayer funding of abortion through the state medical program. This means that Pennsylvania taxpayers could be forced to fund the deaths of thousands of preborn babies. 

Texas Right to Life filed an amicus brief in the case in 2021. Our brief highlighted the need to protect women from the physical and psychological harms of abortion and to protect preborn babies from being killed.

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court decided that the abortion provider had standing to challenge the ban on abortions for patients enrolled in Medicaid. The case was referred back to a lower court to decide whether the Pennsylvania Constitution ensures the “right” to an abortion.

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The Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s decision to allow the case to move forward overturned a 39-year-old precedent, which prevented challenges to the ban on Medicaid coverage for patients seeking abortion.

Texas Right to Life has recently submitted an amicus brief in the lower court to prevent Medicaid-funded abortions. The brief reiterates the need to protect women and their preborn babies, stating, “The natural result of childbirth is a healthy mother and baby; the natural, intended result of abortion is a dead baby. A woman’s body is designed to carry her pregnancy to term and give birth to her child; it is not designed to have this natural process violently cut short.”

The abortion industry disguises its money-hungry incentives as “healthcare” and claims to protect women and their well-being. However, with an estimated $4.3 billion in revenue in 2024, it’s clear that the industry prioritizes financial gain over genuine concern for women’s physical and emotional health. This lawsuit highlights the troubling reality that, rather than truly supporting women, the abortion industry operates as a profit-driven machine. The abortion industry does not care about the disastrous effects abortion has on women.

Texas Right to Life is dedicated to protecting Life, from conception to natural death. Please pray that the Pennsylvania court rules to protect preborn babies.

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